
来源 :中国医学文摘(肿瘤学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:piaodedaocao
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肝癌是最常见的恶性肿瘤,手术治疗常常为其首选的疗法,但由于肝癌发病隐匿,确诊时能手术切除者仅为10%左右,因此提高肝癌患者的生存率,除早期发现、早期治疗外,更重要的是探索更为有效的治疗方法。近年来研究结果显示,多种非手术切除的疗法大大提高了患者的生存率。本文就目前较为成熟的肝癌非手术局部治疗及其综合应用的概况作一综述。 1 肝癌局部血管介入治疗 1.1 肝动脉介入治疗该疗法包括介入性肝动脉插管化疗(TAI)、介入性肝动脉栓塞(TAE)。临床常采用肝动脉化疗、栓塞合并应用(TACE),这样可以发挥化疗及栓塞 Liver cancer is the most common malignant tumor. Surgical treatment is often the first choice for its treatment. However, due to the occult hepatocellular carcinoma, only about 10% of patients can be diagnosed when diagnosed. Therefore, the survival rate of patients with liver cancer is increased, except early detection and early treatment , More importantly, to explore more effective treatment. In recent years, the results show that a variety of non-surgical resection of the treatment has greatly improved the survival rate of patients. This article reviewed the current status of more mature non-surgical local treatment of liver cancer and its comprehensive application. 1 Local vascular intervention for HCC 1.1. Hepatic arterial intervention The therapy includes interventional TAI and TAE. Clinical often use hepatic artery chemotherapy, embolization combined application (TACE), which can play a chemotherapy and embolism
AIM:To investigate the possible roles of p53 and C-mycgenes in the primary hepatocellular carcinogenesis and therelationship between the liver hyperplastic nod
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