王岐山在修订廉政准则和党纪处分条例座谈会上强调 立足当前 谋划长远 与时俱进推动制度创新

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近日,中共中央政治局常委、中央纪委书记王岐山分别主持召开部分中央部委、中央国家机关部委党组主要负责人,部分专家学者座谈会,就修订廉政准则和党纪处分条例征求意见。他强调,全面从严治党必须推进制度创新,立足当前,着眼长远,认准正确方向,解决现阶段突出问题,实现制度建设的与时俱进。王岐山指出,依法治国必然要求依规治党。修订廉政准则和党纪处分条例,是落实党的十八大和十八届三中、四中全会精神,贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神 Recently, Wang Qishan, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, presided over the convening of major seminars for some central ministries and commissions, the principal officials of the party committees of the central state organs and ministries and commissions and some experts and scholars, respectively, and solicited opinions on the revision of the guidelines for clean and honest administration and the disciplinary sanctions. He stressed: To comprehensively and strictly govern the party, we must promote institutional innovation. With a view of the present, the long-term perspective and the correct direction, we should solve outstanding problems at this stage and advance with the times of system construction. Wang Qishan pointed out that governing the country according to law necessarily requires that the party be ruled by law. The revision of the guidelines on clean government and the disciplinary punishment of the party members is the implementation of the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and the implementation of the spirit of the important speech made by General Secretary Xi Jinping
本文针对现有AC-PDP驱动电路产生波形不够灵活的缺点,基于隔离变压器耦合的思想,采用模块化、层次式的设计方法,设计并实现了一种新型的驱动电路。 In this paper, aiming a
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