1000米计时赛的战术有人已作了一系列研究。常见运动员在骑行起始段达到最高速,但在近终点前,骑速却明显下降。另一种情况为起始段骑速稍低于最大速度,以期持久保持体力,并将最后区段骑速下降的时间推迟。如果把1000米全程平均分为五段,我们已发现各段骑速与最后成绩间呈正相关(R 为0.75—0.95)。为研究战术,我们对1983至1986年间在莫斯科雷拉兹克赛车场比赛过的79名优秀选手进行了调研,收集比赛中每1/4圈(83.33米)的骑行时间(电子秒
Tactics of the 1000 meter time trial have been studied in a series of ways. Common athletes reached the highest speed at the beginning of the ride, but their ride-rate dropped significantly before the end of the race. Another situation is that the starting section rides slightly below the maximum speed, in order to maintain the physical strength for a long time, and to postpone the time when the final section rides down. If we divide the entire length of 1000 meters equally into five sections, we have found that there is a positive correlation between each section’s riding speed and the final grade (R is 0.75-0.95). To study tactics, we conducted a survey of 79 top athletes from 1983 to 1986 at the Racecourse in Lazqueh, Moscow, collecting every 1/4 turn (83.33 meters) of riding time in the race