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中央治理党政部门报刊散滥和利用职权发行工作目前已告一段落。根据中央《关于广东省报刊治理工作方案的批复》,以及《关于落实中央<关于广东省报刊治理工作方案的批复>的实施意见》,《环境》杂志继续保留。本刊在此次报刊治理中能够保留下来,实属幸事。这次治理党政部门报刊散滥,制止利用职权摊派报刊,是以胡锦涛同志为总书记的新一届中央领导集体根据广大人民群众意愿作出的一项重大决策,各省市都从实践“三个代表”重要思想的高度,认真贯彻这一决策,下大决心停办一批、分离一批、划转一批。据笔者了解,在 The central government’s administration of newspapers and magazines has spread to newspapers and made use of the power to issue the work has now come to an end. According to the Central Government’s “Reply on the Work Plan for the Administration of Press and Publications in Guangdong Province” and the “Opinions on the Implementation of the Central Government’s Reply on the Work Plan for the Administration of Newspapers and Periodicals in Guangdong Province”, “Environment” magazine continues to be retained. It is a blessing for the magazine to be retained in the press administration. This time, the government and the departments of newspapers and magazines have spread newspapers and stopped using their power to apportion newspapers and periodicals. This is a major policy decision made by the new central leadership collective led by Comrade Hu Jintao based on the wishes of the broad masses of the people. All provinces and municipalities have taken the “three On behalf of ”the important thinking of the CPC Central Committee and conscientiously implement this decision. Next, they are determined to put an end to one batch, separate one batch and transfer to another batch. According to my understanding, in