
来源 :中国铁路 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mint_z
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2002年12月,日本东北新干线上盛冈一八户97km长的扩展线将开通运营。届时,日本高速铁路网的总长将达到2 047 km。 新干线最初仅是东京一新大阪的东海道新干线,总长为505km,于1964年建成,是国家铁路网的核心。1997年,又建成了高崎-长野的北陆新干线。在东海道新干线、东北新干线和上越新干线上,列车的运营速度分别为270km/h和275km/h;在新大版-博多的山阳新干线上,列车的运营速度高达300km/h。高速铁路网的安全记录非常好,在37年的运营中,没有乘客死于列车碰撞或脱轨事故。 东北新干线扩展线盛冈-青森,总长180km,其中,至少有120km的线路在隧道中。第1段盛冈-八户,共97km,工程于1991年开工,计划于2002年12月开通运营。第2段八户-青森,长82km,工程于1998年动工,全部工程可望于2013年完工,一旦全部工程完工,东京-青森的列车旅行时间将从4h27min降低到3h20min。盛冈-八户之间有一个25.8 km长的隧道,是目前世界上最长的陆地隧道。 在这条扩展线上,日本铁路将首次使用新型列车自动控制系统。该系统可以根据列车所在的位置、前方列车占用 In December 2002, a 97-kilometer extension of the Hachinohe Shinkansen Shinkansen line in northeast Japan will be opened. By then, the total length of the Japan high-speed railway network will reach 2,047 km. The Shinkansen, initially only the Tokaido Shinkansen in Tokyo’s Shin-Osaka, has a total length of 505km and was built in 1964 as the heart of the national rail network. In 1997, the Hokuriku Shinkansen in Takasaki-Nagano was completed. On the Tokaido Shinkansen, the Tohoku Shinkansen and the Tokyo Shinkansen, the trains operate at 270km / h and 275km / h, respectively; and on the new big version of the Soyo Shinkansen in Hakata, the train operates at speeds up to 300km / h. The safety record of the high-speed railway network is very good. During the 37-year operation, no passenger died of train collision or derailment accident. Tohoku Shinkansen extension line Morioka - Aomori, a total length of 180km, of which at least 120km line in the tunnel. The first paragraph Morioka - Hachinohe, a total of 97km, the project started in 1991, is scheduled to open in December 2002 operation. The second paragraph of eight - Aomori, 82km long, construction started in 1998, all projects are expected to be completed in 2013, once all the work is completed, Tokyo - Aomori train travel time will be reduced from 4h27min to 3h20min. Morioka - A tunnel of 25.8 km between Hachinohe is the longest land tunnel in the world. For the first time, Japan Rail will use the new train automation system on this extension. The system can be based on the location of the train, the front of the train occupied
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