来源 :China Particuology Science and Technology of Particles | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:simple69
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In order to predict the influence of operating temperature on cyclone performance, an experimental investigation on particle separation was conducted in a 300 mm diameter, tangential volute-inlet and reverse flow cy-clone separator with air heated up to 973 K. The test powder silica has a mean mass diameter of 10 microns and the inlet velocity ranges from 12 m.s-1 to 36 m-s-1. Both the overall efficiency and fractionai efficiency of the cyclone were measured as a function of the inlet velocity and operating temperature. It is shown that at the same inlet velocity both the overall efficiency and fractionai efficiency decrease with an increase of temperature. An analysis of our own data and published results has shown that the fractionai efficiency of a cyclone is a defmite function of such dimensioniess numbers as Stokes number, Reynolds number, Froude number and dimensioniess cyclone inlet area and dimensioniess outlet diameter. A nondimensionai experimental correlation of the cyclone performance, inclu In order to predict the influence of operating temperature on cyclone performance, an experimental investigation on particle separation was conducted in a 300 mm diameter, tangential volute-inlet and reverse flow cy-clone separator with air heated up to 973 K. The test powder silica has a mean mass diameter of 10 microns and the inlet velocity ranges from 12 ms-1 to 36 ms-1. Both the overall efficiency and fractionai efficiency of the cyclone were measured as a function of the inlet velocity and operating temperature. It is shown that at the same inlet velocity both the overall efficiency and fractionai efficiency decrease with an increase of temperature. An analysis of our own data and published results has shown that the fractionai efficiency of a cyclone is a defmite function of such dimension numbers as as Stokes number, Reynolds number, Froude number and dimensioniess cyclone inlet area and dimension of outlet diameter. A nondimensionai experimental correlation of the cyclone performance, inclu
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