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近十年来亚洲选手在男子100米自甶泳顷目上处于30-44位徘徊,只在2006和2007年冲至前20位,迅速下滑后便再未突破。宁泽涛的横空出世(2014年亚运会上以47秒70的成绩成为亚洲第一位打破48秒大关的选手,位列当年世界第二好成绩)极大地提升了亚洲在世界泳坛短距离自由泳项目上的地位,振奋了包括曰本在内的亚洲国家追赶欧美选手的信心。现在,无论粉丝或路人,不分泳者或旱鸭子,众人对宁泽涛的期待不再限于全国冠军、亚运会冠军、亚洲纪录保持者这些头衔,而是希望他拥有一个更加响亮的身 In the past ten years, Asians have been hovering around the 30-44 level in the men’s 100-meter swimsuit and only rushed to the top 20 in 2006 and 2007, failing to break through the rapid decline. Ning Zetao turned out (2014 Asian Games to 47 seconds 70 results to become Asia’s first player to break the 48 second mark, ranked second in the world good grades) greatly improved the Asian in the world of swimming The status of the short-distance freestyle project has inspired the confidence of Asian countries, including Japan, to catch up with European and American players. Now, no matter fans or passers-by, irrespective of swimmers or drought-fed ducks, everyone’s expectation of Ning Zetao is no longer limited to the title of National Champion, Asian Games Champion and Asian Record Holder. Instead, he hopes he has a much louder body
In this paper, a Fe–Mn–Al–C austenitic steel with certain addition of Cr and N alloy was used as experimental material. By using the SETSYS Evolution synchro
Since 1983 it has been reported many times that the tensile strength of a liquid has a noticeable influence onincipient cavitation test[1,2,3].In this paper so
《海洋学报》编辑部副主任余毓庆同志,不幸于1993年10月31日上午9时40分在北京逝世,终年54岁。 余毓庆同志生于1939年10月15日,浙江省杭州市人,1966年1月加入中国共产党。19