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经典的原义是指权威性的基本著作 ,人类思想史从外观上看就是文献的积累和权威性基本著作的逐步经典化。人类社会在语言出现之前 ,传统以习惯和习俗的形式来生成及沿袭。语言的产生 ,进而文字的产生 ,促成了真正意义上的传统的形成 ,即以思想为形式的传统出现了。语言除了担负起记载传统的重任外 ,还担负起逾越时空差距延续和保全传统的功能。按人们的最一般理解 ,所谓传统乃是那些世代相传、具有特点的社会因素 ,如文化、道德、思想、制度等。确立和诠释经典的最重要目的就在于促使传统的保全与更新。任何具体的传统都有其局限性。由于历史的经年流逝和人类生存处境的变化 ,再加上语言自身的流变 ,经典的本义难免会被遮蔽和曲解。因此 ,要维系和保全传统 ,求得传统真相 ,就离不开对传统典籍的诠释。经典有一个形成与确立的过程。在单一的文化背景下 ,经典的形成过程相对简单 ,而在跨文化背景下 ,则要复杂得多。在跨文化背景下解读和诠释经典 ,既涉及语言的变化与转换 ,也涉及思维方式的变革。中国现代文化与现代哲学是在东西文化交流和融会的宏大场景下生成的。自中学西传和西学东渐以来 ,许多中国哲学家在传播西方哲学的同时 ,融会中西哲学 ,创建了自己的哲学体系 ,也使中国哲学走向了世界。可以设想 The original meaning of the classic refers to the authoritative basic works, the history of human thought from the appearance point of view is the accumulation of literature and the gradual classicization of authoritative basic works. Before the language appeared in human society, traditions were born and followed in the form of habits and customs. The generation of language, and then the production of words, contributed to the formation of a true sense of tradition, that is, the tradition in the form of thought emerged. Apart from assuming the important task of documenting the traditional language, the language takes on the function of extending and preserving the traditional gap between time and space. According to the most general understanding of people, so-called traditions are those social factors that are handed down from generation to generation and have characteristics such as culture, morality, thought and system. The most important purpose of establishing and interpreting the classic is to promote the preservation and renewal of the tradition. Any specific tradition has its limitations. Due to the changes of history and changes of human existence, coupled with the change of language itself, the original meaning of the classic will inevitably be obscured and misinterpreted. Therefore, to maintain and preserve the tradition and seek the traditional truth can not be separated from the interpretation of the traditional books. Classic has a process of formation and establishment. In a single cultural context, the formation of the classic is relatively simple, but in a cross-cultural context, it is much more complex. Interpreting and interpreting classics in a cross-cultural context involves both language change and transformation as well as changes in the way of thinking. China’s modern culture and modern philosophy are generated under the grand occasion of cultural exchange and integration between East and West. Since the westward spread of middle school and the eastward spread of western learning, many Chinese philosophers have spread western philosophy and at the same time they have integrated Chinese and Western philosophy and created their own philosophical system, which has also led Chinese philosophy to the world. Can imagine
目的:观察针刺十七椎等穴对原发性痛经患者的即刻镇痛效应.方法:选取原发性痛经患者93例,在疼痛时针刺十七椎、地机、三阴交、次髎穴,留针30 min,观察针刺前即时、进针5 min