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  Meteorolgical Service a "Gold Mine" Yet to be tapped
  The story goes back to the summer of 1997 when temperature soared to the highest in a century,prompting a panic buying of refrigerators in almost all north China cities. Refrigerator producers werecaught unprepared, except Haier, the country‘s leading manufacturer of home appliances, which hadbeen alerted to the need to increase its stock by a long-term weather forecast it had bought. In July, thehottest month, Haier sold a record 1,200 refrigerators per day, and the company‘s share of the domesticrefrigerators market shot up from 20% to well over 50%.
  In mid-January of this year, it was producers and dealers of down garments, woolen shirts andother heavy clothing who were to suffer for neglect of meteorological information. The weather wasabnormally warm in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Lanzhou, Wuhan, Najinig and other major cities, dueto El Nino or the "global warming effect" as some scientists believed. Had weather been normal, salesof warm clothing should have been hot at this time of the year. Unsold heavy clothing kept piling upand, unprepared, many companies had to sell at below-the-cost prices.
  Stories of this sort are numerous, sufficient to testify to the value of meteorological services toindustries and commerce. Foreign experts put the input-output ratio at 1:98 for such services - if youuse one dollar to buy the kind of meteorological information needed in your business, the economicbenefits thus generated in your interest will be valued at 98 dollars. In China, however, commercial useof meteorological information has just begun. The "gold mine", so to speak, is yet to be tapped.
  Meteorological services had been offered free of charge, almost exclusively meant for use by thegeneral public and by the government to facilitate its decision making, until 1985 when the StateCouncil, the central government, approved a SMA report requesting permission for paid services. Sincethen, meteorological stations in some parts of China have come to be divided into two types - those thatcontinue to offer free services to the general public and the government and those that serve the specialneeds of different industries. According to a latest CMA report, for subscribers to special meteorologicalservices across China, the input-output ratio averages 1:40 and, for those in Guangdong Province,south China, it is 1:100.
  Companies are now able to order forecasts on changes of weather within a year, a quarter, amonth, a week, 24 hours, 12 hours or three hours and, when necessary, even real-time weather reports.Nevertheless, commercial meteorological services, taken as a whole, are still in the infantile stage ofdevelopment, limited in variety relative to those available in developed countries. Most companieshave a faint idea of meteorological services and their importance. They wouldn‘t hesitate to spend amillion yuan having their products or services advertised, while unwilling to pay a few thousand yuanfor meteorological information. In 1998, the revenue from sales of meteorological services averagedjust a few million yuan for stations in many provinces and autonomous regions in western China. Evenfor those in Jiangsu, a best developed province, it was a mere 12 million yuan. In contrast, the WNTMeteorological Service Co. of Japan has been able to reap US$300 million (US$2.41 billion) in annualprofits. As in Japan, meteorological services in the United States have long developed into a mega-dollar industry through cooperation with the mass media.
   What also merits attention is the fact that foreign meteorological service companies are alreadytaking steps to make inroads onto the Chinese market. A Japanese company, for example, is offeringmeteorological services for most of the shipping operators based in Shanghai and Guangzhou.
  The "gold mine", so to speak, is huge. It is now time for meteorological services to get organizedand develop themselves into a profitable business.
<正> 随着国有企业的深化改革,下岗职工再就业已经成为一大社会问题。下岗职工,何去何从?点石成金只是一种梦幻,大钱并非人人都能赚到,倒不如——