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   Across the developing world, millions of children’s lives are forever blighted because they lack a basic human right, the right to a quality education. The right to an education begins before children go to primary school, because, if children don’t know what to expect when they get to school, they’re much more likely to either not enroll on time or to drop out.
   UNICEF and its partners are addressing this challenge with an innovative pilot program that shows pre-schoolers what to expect when they get to school. Called “Getting Ready for School: A child-to-child approach,” it was launched in 2007. It starts with teaching youngsters the very basics of school life so they’ll be socially and academically prepared.
   What makes this program different is that the tutors or facilitators are not much older than the children, so it builds on the natural phenomenon of children learning from their older friends.
   Maekelech Gidey (UNICEF Education Specialist, Ethiopia): (via translator) The main reason for this is that the program was designed to work within our culture. It is our culture that neighbours work, eat and play together.
   The child-to-child pilot program has been introduced in six countries. Pre-school education is rare in much of rural Ethiopia. Ba-ati Akor School is one of seven schools in Ethiopia’s Tigray region, where the child-to-child program is using effective and innovative techniques to stimulate a child’s natural desire to learn. In Tigray, nearly a quarter of children drop out before completing a full year in the first grade. With strong community support, the child-tochild program is reversing that trend.
   Since the program began in Ethiopia in 2008, it has grown rapidly. Children who are in the program perform better in school and drop out in fewer numbers than those who do not. And the benefits are not restricted to the pre-schoolers. Facilitators also find their lives improve [sic]. They earn respect amongst their peers and elders, and learn leadership and responsibility.
   Despite her teaching commitment, Shefena has more time for her studies because her parents no longer give her as many household chores.
   Shefena: (via translator) It makes me very happy because, while I make plans for my students, it allows me to be focused on my studies as well.
   The simplicity of the child-to-child program is the key to its effectiveness. It’s a low-cost way to bring pre-school education to children who would otherwise be vulnerable to failing almost as soon as they had begun.    Building on the success, UNICEF and its partners plan to expand the child-to-child program to other countries and regions and to integrate it into other UNICEF quality education programs, giving many more children the chance of a different life and a future where all their rights can be realized.
1. 基本方法   将主动语态的宾语变为被动语态的主语,将主动谓语变为被动谓语(be 过去分词),将主动语态的主语变为by短语(在被动句中用作状语):He stole our money.→Our money was stolen by him.   【注】(1)若不强调动词执行者,被动语态中的by短语通常可以省略:   The house was built in 1978. 这座房子是1
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