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8月18日,北京国家会议中心。由中国卫生部、国家食品药品监督管理局、国家中医药管理局共同主办的“2011中国卫生论坛”座无虚席。主题为“可持续的健康发展”的论坛已经展开。会议由卫生部副部长、国家中医药管理局局长王国强主持。全国人大常委会副委员长、九三学社中央主席韩启德;卫生部长、论坛主席陈竺;国家发改委副主任、国务院医改办主任孙志刚;人力资源和社会保障部副部长胡晓义、国家老龄委常务副主任陈传书出席会议并讲话。北京市副市长丁向阳、陕西卫生厅厅长刘少明、株洲市市长王群、成都市市长助理周鸿德、美国哈佛大学公共卫生学院教授肖庆伦在会上作医改方面的经验交流。世界卫生组织西太区主任申英秀、法国劳动、就业与卫生部部长贝特朗、墨西哥卫生部部长科尔多瓦应邀出席论坛,并分别发表了《全球健康及发展趋势》、《关于法国医疗体制与改革》与《墨西哥医疗卫生体系》的主旨演讲。 August 18, Beijing National Convention Center. By the Chinese Ministry of Health, the State Food and Drug Administration, the State Pharmaceutical Administration co-sponsored the “2011 China Health Forum” packed. The forum, entitled “Sustainable Healthy Development” has already started. The meeting was chaired by Wang Guoqiang, vice minister of the Ministry of Health and director of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Vice Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee and Chairman of the Jiu San Society Central Committee Han Qide; Minister of Health and Forum Chen Zhu; Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission and Sun Zhigang, Director of the Medical Reform Office of the State Council; Vice Minister Hu Xiaoyi of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and Chen Chuanshu, Deputy Director of the State Committee on Aging attended the meeting And speech. Ding Xiangyang, vice mayor of Beijing, Liu Shaoming, director of the Shaanxi Provincial Health Department, Wang Qun, mayor of Zhuzhou City, Zhou Hongde, assistant to the mayor of Chengdu City, and Xiao Qinglun, a professor at the Harvard School of Public Health, exchanged views on health care reform. Shen Yingxiu, WHO Director-General of the Western Pacific Region, Bertrand French Minister of Labor, Employment and Health and Cordova, Minister of Health of Mexico, were invited to attend the forum and delivered the “Global Health and Development Trends”, the “ And ”reform“ and ”Mexican medical and health system," the keynote speech.
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