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对于汽车,有人如此说:汽车不仅仅是代步工具,它代表着一种新的生活方式,是人们对自由空间延伸的渴望和对美好生活体验的追求。正因为有人赋予汽车如此深刻美妙的含义,私家车似乎越来越成为这个时代的一种潮流和时尚。从某种意义上说,我对上述观点是颇为赞同的。先抛开汽车所代表的生活方式不谈,仅仅作为代步的一种工具,它就能带来 For cars, it is said that a car is not just a means of transport. It represents a new way of life. It is the desire of people for the extension of free space and the pursuit of a better life experience. It is precisely because some people give the car so profound and wonderful meaning, private cars seem to be more and more become a trend of this era and fashion. In a sense, I quite agree with this view. Put aside the lifestyle represented by the car aside, just as a means of transport, it can bring
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The resonant-ring is a traveling wave circuit,which is used to produce high peak power with comparatively smaller stored energy.The application to be considered
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INTRODUCTION 近日,国家发改委发布了关于上调成品油价格的通知,决定自2012年9月11日零时起,将汽、柴油价格每吨分别上涨550元和540元,折合全国90号汽油和0号柴油价格平均每