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高速公路建设中,一般将长度超过3 km的公路隧道称为“特长隧道”。当隧道长度超过4 km时,隧道内的空气污染就会随着隧道长度的增加和交通量的增大变得极为严重,因此,特长公路隧道往往因通风问题而导致修建难度加大,通风运营费用成倍增加。正因如此,设计人员有时往往迫于无奈,尽可能地在洞外增大纵坡,避免采用特长隧道方案,这样“退而求其次”的设计使得高速公路在以后的运营、安全等方面埋下了诸多隐患,同时也使得汽车在山区高速公路运行的油费增加、磨损加大。特长公路隧道双洞互补式网络通风技术研究,在高速公路隧道的通风理念、理论计算和设计方法等方面取得重大科技成果,发明并首次在国内外隧道工程中实施了一种全新的通风隧道方式,利用“双洞互补”的原理,巧妙地绕开了特长隧道需要修建通风竖井或通风斜井的困挠,有效解决了长度为4~7 km的特长高速公路隧道通风技术难题。 Highway construction, the general length of more than 3 km highway tunnel called “long tunnel ”. When the length of the tunnel exceeds 4 km, the air pollution in the tunnel will become extremely serious as the length of the tunnel increases and the traffic volume increases. Therefore, extra-long highway tunnels are often more difficult to construct due to ventilation problems. Ventilation operation Expenses doubled. Because of this, designers are often forced to do, as much as possible in the hole to increase the longitudinal slope, avoid the use of long tunnel program, so “back and seek second” design makes the highway in the future operation, safety, etc. Aspects buried a lot of hidden dangers, but also makes the car running in the mountain highway fuel costs increase, increased wear and tear. Great Wall Highway Tunnel double-hole complementary network ventilation technology research, highway tunnel ventilation concept, theoretical calculations and design methods and achieved significant scientific and technological achievements, the invention and the first time at home and abroad to implement a tunnel project a new ventilation tunnel . By using the principle of “mutual complementation of double holes”, the technical problems of tunnel tunnel ventilation with high length of 4 ~ 7 km are effectively solved by skillfully circumventing the difficulty of constructing the ventilation shaft or ventilation shaft by the special tunnel.
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