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今年是马克思诞生(1818年5月5日)185周年,逝世(1883年3月14日)120周年。我们应当很好地纪念这富有历史意义的日子。现在很多年轻人可能不大清楚,我们党的历史上除了“五一”国际劳动节、“五四”青年节、“三八”国际妇女节等等以外,还曾有过学习节,这就是每年5月5日马克思的诞辰。1940年3月20日,正值抗日战争的艰苦岁月,中共中央发出了《关于在职干部教育的指示》,其第13条为:“决定5月5日马克思生日为学习节,总结每年的经验并举行奖励(以集体奖励为原则)。今年‘五五’为第一届节日。”这在国际共产主义运动的历史上,是极有意义的创举。我们知道,离开革命实践的理论是空洞的理论,而不以革命理论为指南的实践是盲目的实践。马克思主义是人类创造的精神财 This year marks the 185th anniversary of the birth of Marx (May 5, 1818) and the 120th anniversary of the death (March 14, 1883). We should remember this historic day well. Nowadays many young people may not be aware of this. In the history of our party, besides the May Day International Labor Day, the May Fourth Youth Day, the March 8 International Women’s Day, etc., After studying the festival, this is the birthday of Marx on May 5 each year. On March 20, 1940, during the hard years of the Anti-Japanese War, the CPC Central Committee issued the “Directive on Education for Working Cadres”, Article 13 of which reads: “Decided to mark the birthday of Marx on May 5 as the study section, summarizing the annual Experience and hold rewards (based on the principle of collective rewards) This year’s ’May 5’ is the first festival. ”This is a very significant initiative in the history of the international communist movement. We know that the theory of leaving revolutionary practice is a hollow theory, whereas the practice of not using revolutionary theory as a guide is a blind practice. Marxism is a spiritual asset created by mankind
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