
来源 :法制与社会(锐视版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shilei881222
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【举案】2001年7月的一个夜晚,李先生和赵小姐相遇后一见钟情,手牵手走进一家小影院观看三级电影。俩人被电影中男欢女爱的镜头所感染,忍耐不住内心的欲火,便心照不宣地一同走向旅店,发生了一夜情关系。第二天,俩人像没事一般各自回单位上班。不久,赵小姐发现自己没有按时来“例假”,她知道自己的一时冲动已导致了严重后果。但赵小姐又舍不得打掉孩子,她觉得李先生虽然年纪大而且已有妻儿,但是个老板,人又长得帅气,只要顺利生下小孩,不怕他不给抚养费。想到这,赵小姐不怕人们在背后的闲言碎语,硬是 【Case】 One night in July 2001, Mr. Lee and Miss Zhao meet at first sight, hand in hand into a small theater to watch three movies. Both were infected with the love of men and women in the movie lens, unable to endure the heart of desire, they tacitly together to the hotel, a one-night standoff. The next day, the two resembled their normal work units. Before long, Miss Zhao found herself not on “official holidays” on time, and she knew her own impulse had caused serious consequences. However, Miss Zhao was reluctant to knock down the child. Although she was old and had a wife and children, Li was a boss who looked handsome. As long as she succeeded in giving birth to her child, she was not afraid of not giving any support to her. Think of this, Miss Zhao is not afraid of people behind the gossip, just
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