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巴蒂是一位高产射手,同时也是一个富有激情的射手,他的大力射门感染了无数球迷。“雷霆万钧”用在 Batigol 上最适合不过,他在禁区线一带的劲射如炮弹出膛,恨不得把守门员都抽进门里,而他进球后那激情四射的庆祝动作,更鼓动亿万人欢呼不已。英雄,尤其是悲情色彩的英雄,总会让人唏嘘万千,巴乔那蓝色的忧郁虽然征服了很多球迷,但巴乔的悲情也与他个人和主教练的矛盾有关,只有巴蒂的悲情让人无可挑剔。很多人把阿根廷球员比作潘帕斯草原上的雄鹰,但巴蒂更像凶猛霸道的雄狮,跑动起来如疾风如洪水,射门的一瞬间山崩地裂,每一个动作都大开大阑气势宏伟,充满了原始的野性和霸气。他没有罗马里奥的轻灵、马拉多纳的盘带、罗纳尔多的加速度,却更让对手心惊胆寒,没有多少防守队员愿意面对巴蒂这样的前锋,如果说罗马里奥给对手带来的是失败的绝望,而巴蒂却能给对手带来死神般的恐慌。禁区外的巴蒂一起脚,胆怯的后卫很可能会选择闪避,把灾难留给守门员,勇猛的后卫则会以舍生取义的心态转过身用后背去封堵炮弹,此时的守门员除了恐慌还有后悔没多在上帝面前祷告。忆当年,Batigol 风暴席卷意甲,令无数防守球员胆寒!而巴蒂在1994/95赛季创造的11场联赛连续进球(13球)的梦幻般纪录,更让所有曾经活跃、现在驰骋、即将登陆意甲的前锋们心服口服!一晃十年了,但哪怕永远,只要一想起那时那刻的情景,谁又不会心潮澎湃,浮现当年巴蒂所掀起海啸般的波澜呢? Batty is a production shooter, but also a passionate shooter, his shots hit countless fans. “Thunderbolt ” is the most suitable for use in Batigol However, he shot in the area along the line shots such as shells bang, wait for the goalkeepers are drawn into the door, and he scored a passionate celebration after the goal, more agitation billion Thousands cheer endlessly. Heroes, especially tragic heroes, always make people sigh, Baggio that the blue melancholy conquered a lot of fans, but Baggio’s tragedy is also related to his personal and coach of the conflict, only Batty Sadness impeccable. Many people compare Argentine players to eagles on the Pampas grasslands, but Batty is more like a fierce and overbearing lion who runs like a flash flood and shoots at the moment of a landslide, with each move wide open À magnificent momentum, full of original wild and domineering. He has no brave Mario light, Diego Maradona dribbling, Ronaldo’s acceleration, but also let the opponent frightened, not many defensive players willing to face Batty this striker, if Romario to the opponent with It is the desperation of failure, while Battier can give the opponent a death-like panic. Batty outside the restricted area together, timid defender is likely to choose to dodge, leaving the disaster goalkeeper, the brave guard will take the habit of justice to turn around and use the back to block the shells, the goalkeeper at this time in addition to panic also There is no regret to pray before God. Recalling that Batigol’s turmoil swept through Serie A, leaving countless defenders terrified! And Buddy’s fantastic record of 11 consecutive goals (13 goals) in 11 league games created in the 1994/95 season leaves even more active, now galloping, upcoming entries Serie A striker convinced! A flash of ten years, but even if forever, as long as the memories of the scene at the moment, who would not be emotionally, emerge Batty was set off by the tsunami-like waves?
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