
来源 :金属矿山 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangyongan
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矿山生产的日益发展,对爆破工作不断提出技术改革要求。在量上,要求矿岩一次爆破量尽可能的多;在质上,要求矿石块度均匀,适应破碎机入口,尽量减少二次爆破量,同时要求消除根底;为保护爆区临近的工业建筑又要求尽可能的减小地震波的影响。这样,过去使用的齐发爆破就难以满足要求。在无产阶级文化大革命的有力推动下,白云鄂博铁矿广大工人,干部和技术人员于1966年开始试验、使用微差爆破技术。几年来的实践证明,微差爆破技术具有明显的优越性,可以满足当前生产和开沟工程的需要。我矿自试验微差爆破技术取得一些效果以来,一直能在日常生产、开沟工程上坚持使用,目前全矿除在极少的爆区(多属于处理掌子及工程需要上)采用齐发爆破外,在生产掌子及开沟工程中完全采用微差爆破,并能根据生产和 Increasing development of mine production, blasting work continue to put forward technical requirements for reform. In terms of quantity, it is required that the blasting amount of ore rock should be as much as possible. In terms of quality, the uniform ore mass is required to adapt to the entrance of the crusher to minimize the amount of secondary blasting and to eliminate the foundation. To protect the industrial buildings in the vicinity of the blasting area Also asked to minimize the impact of seismic waves. In this way, the past, the use of multiple blasting can not meet the requirements. Under the impetus of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the vast numbers of workers, cadres and technicians at the Baiyunebo Iron Mine started their experiments in 1966, using the millisecond blasting technique. Practice over the past few years proved that the micro-difference blasting technology has obvious advantages that can meet the current needs of production and ditching projects. Mine mine test since the micro-differential blasting technology to achieve some results, has been able to adhere to the daily production, ditching engineering, the current addition to the mine in a very small area (mostly belong to the palm and the project needs) Blasting, the production of the ditches and ditching works completely differential blasting, and according to the production and
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减速反馈信号控制着制动缸压力并使负载平稳减速。 The deceleration feedback signal controls the brake cylinder pressure and slows down the load steadily.