
来源 :中国残疾人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:echo19
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青岛市肢残人协会有两个女委员,她们相似的地方挺多:都40出头,人都长得漂亮,都是小儿麻痹患者,在工作生活中都非常要强。她俩一个是青岛市十佳优秀母亲,一个是青岛市人大代表、优秀女企业家。协会的人称她俩是“我们协会的两朵花”。第一朵花:残躯追求完美人生任晓泉,44岁。3岁时,因患小儿麻痹症,留下了一条残疾的腿。她虽然身体有残疾,但从来没有因为残疾而退却过,她要向社会证明,健全人能做到的事,残疾人同样也能做到。 1993年,任晓泉工作的福利企业关门,她从事了个体经营。本着守法经营的原则,通过热情、耐心、周到的服务,赢得了,顾客信任,不仅经济效益好,还荣获了工商局颁发的先进个体工商户的荣誉证书上,由于经济形势变化 Qingdao Disabled People’s Association has two female members, they are quite similar place: all 40 early, people are beautiful, are polio patients, in working life are very strong. She is one of the top ten best mothers in Qingdao and one is a representative of Qingdao Municipal People’s Congress and an outstanding woman entrepreneur. The people in the association called her two “two flowers of our association.” The first flower: residual body pursuit of perfect life Ren Xiaoquan, 44 years old. 3 years old, polo ralph lauren pas cher, leaving a disabled leg. Although she has a physical disability, she has never retreated because of disability. She wants to prove to society that people who are able to do well can also do so. In 1993, Ren Xiaoquan welfare business closed, she was engaged in self-employed. In accordance with the principle of law-abiding business, through warm, patient and thoughtful service, has won the trust of customers, not only economic benefits, but also won the Industrial and Commercial Bureau issued a certificate of advanced individual industrial and commercial households, due to changes in economic conditions
By means of constant temperature and constant pressure molecular dynamic simulation technique, a series of simulations of the glass transition and crystallizati
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The microstructure and fracture behavior of B 2-ordered iron aluminides with and without Mn (1.5%, mole fraction) were investigated by tensile tests (TT) and s
Based on the phase diagrams,the measured activities and the principle of annexation, a calculation model for mass action concentrations of Fe Cr Ni melts, has
最新一项调查指出,美国著名的饮料公司可口可乐虽然商标价值仍居首位,达725亿美元,但却比上年下跌13%,缩水110多亿美元。相比之下,微软则迎头赶上,其商标价值仅比可口可乐低20亿美元。 据悉,可
吴海峰,男,1 957年生,河南省清丰县人。1981年12月毕业于郑州大学经济系,后到河南省社会科学院从事经济学研究工作,1 995年被河南省委省政府命名为省管优秀专家、河南省跨世