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随着新课改的进行,小学语文教师在更新教学观念的同时,把提高教学效率放到了教学的首要地位。在设计教学内容时,教师要从激发学生的学习兴趣入手,根据学生的最近发展区,激发学生的求知欲,让他们在努力探究过程中提高语文学习能力,促进语文创新思维的发展。在引导学生进行独立思考的过程中,教师要充分发挥对学生的指导作用,使课堂教学在师生交流互动中进行,实现高效的课堂教学。 With the progress of the new curriculum reform, primary language teachers in the update of teaching concepts at the same time, to improve teaching efficiency into the primary position of teaching. When designing the teaching content, teachers should start from stimulating students’ interest in learning and stimulate the curiosity of students according to their recent development zones so that they can improve their language learning ability and promote the development of Chinese innovative thinking in their efforts to explore. In guiding students to think independently, teachers should give full play to the guiding role of students so that classroom teaching can be conducted in the interaction between teachers and students to achieve efficient classroom teaching.
文章通过新疆生产建设兵团第六师区域内水资源分布状况、造成干旱成因分析,总结采用节水措施提升抗旱减灾能力的重要性。 Through the analysis of the distribution of wat
Function(功能):Tell an accidents.Teaching points(重点):1.Past tense form of irregular verbs:go—wentbuy—bought fall—fell 2.Vocabulary:happen,thirsty,waterm el
由郑州市城市规划设计院编制的郑州城市总体规划继六月份获得河南省优秀城市规划设计一等奖后,文在近日揭晓的1995年度河南省优秀工程勘察设计评选中 The Zhengzhou Urban
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赏析语言题是近年中考的必考题,常见的考查方式有如下几种。一、体会词语在文句中的妙用。解答时要结合语境或主题思想来回答,有时也可考虑词 Appreciation language test i