
来源 :航空动力学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wolfboy5566
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The program SIMPLEC has been adopted to calculate the viscous flows at all Mach numbers inside a plane cascad and nozzle.In order to tread both incompressible and compressible flows,pressure is chosen as a primary dependent variable in preference to density.The effect of the pressure on the density is implicitly included in the pressure correction equation.Further,the covariant velocity components are chosen as the dependent variables in the momentum equations,which makes the pressure velocity coupling relatively easy to handle.Comparison of the calculated results with the experimental data show that the present method exibits much better stability and covergence behavior,and is applicable to a variety of the incompressible and compressible flows,ranging from subsonic to supersonic. The program SIMPLEC has been designed to calculate the viscous flows at all Mach numbers inside a plane cascad and nozzle. In order to tread both incompressible and compressible flows, pressure is chosen as a primary dependent variable in preference to density. The effect of the pressure on the density is implicitly included in the pressure correction equation. Focus, the covariant velocity components are chosen as the dependent variables in the momentum equations, which makes the pressure velocity coupling relatively easy to handle. Comparison of the calculated results with the experimental data show that the present method exibits much better stability and covergence behavior, and is applicable to a variety of the incompressible and compressible flows, ranging from subsonic to supersonic.
自从90年代以来,随着各地政府对城市进行大规模改造,拆迁就成为一个严重的社会问题。大大小小的城市都出现了拆迁户认为补偿不公正而上访、起诉、抗议等事件,“钉子户”也层出不穷。  面对这种情况,从中央政府到地方政府纷纷出台一些补救措施,旨在完善拆迁补偿制度,提高拆迁补偿标准,保持社会稳定。这些措施确实收到了一定效果,但并没有从根本上解决问题。  这个根本问题就是,政府既掌握着权力,又是城市土地所有权人
新的学期,新的希望。我们重拾书包,走回熟悉的校园,走向下一个美丽的梦想。  师恩难忘,第二十四个教师节,鲜花与笑脸共同芬芳,敬爱的老师,我们深深地祝福你!  蔚蓝的天空下,稻穗沉沉,棉朵饱满,秋菊怒放,桂花遍地香。辛勤的汗水,流淌成风中的几分期待,把整个心都填得满满。阳光下,一片灿烂的金黄。  月到中秋分外明。清风徐徐里,月儿渐渐走向圆满。感受着空气里清柔的呼吸,仿佛能听到你突突的心跳。在初露微凉
介绍了HB 6545—91《过盈螺纹》规定的中径公差带及其分组。 The tolerance bands and their groupings of the intermediate diameter specified in the “interference th