抓住机遇 大胆探索 促进发展——华东卫生经济协作会第十三次年会概述

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华东卫生经济协作会第十三次年会于1997年12月1—3日在江苏省无锡市召开。与会代表62人,交流论文35篇。中国卫生经济学会副会长赵竹岩和浙江省卫生厅副厅长傅颂恕等领导讲了话。在党的十五大精神指引下,会议就当前卫生领域面临一些热点问题作了广泛深入的交流。一、关于加强区域卫生规划,合理配置卫生资源问题区域卫生规划是在一定的区域范围内,根据自然和社会发展对卫生服务的要求,以有限的资源,统一规划,向全体人民提供公平、有效的卫生服务的卫生发展管理模式。它是社会主义市场经济体制下,政府宏观调控卫生资源配置,解决医疗保健供需平衡和实现卫生发展管理的主要依据和重要手段。区域卫生规划是一项复杂的社会系统工程,需要政府有关部门协调配合,积极推动,并从五个方面做好工作,一是调整财政资金分配结构;二是规范财政资金供应范围;三是加强财政资金使用监督,建立专项资金追踪问效制度;四是建立新增卫生资源审批制度;五是进一步完善多渠道筹资政策等。 The 13th annual meeting of the East China Health Economic Cooperation Association was held on December 1-3, 1997 in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. There were 62 participants and 35 papers were exchanged. Zhao Zhuyan, Vice President of the Chinese Health Economics Association, and Fu Songshu, Deputy Director of the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Health spoke. Guided by the party’s spirit of the 15th National Congress, the conference made extensive and in-depth exchanges on some current hot issues in the health field. I. About strengthening regional health planning and rational allocation of health resources The regional health planning is based on the requirements of natural and social development for health services within a certain regional scope. It is planned in a unified way with limited resources to provide fair and effective to all people. The health services development model of health development. It is the main basis and important means for the government to macro-control the allocation of health resources, solve the balance between supply and demand of health care, and realize health development management under the socialist market economy system. Regional health planning is a complex social system project. It needs the coordination and cooperation of the relevant government departments, and it actively promotes and does a good job in five aspects. First, it adjusts the distribution structure of fiscal funds; second, it regulates the scope of supply of financial funds; The supervision of the use of financial funds, the establishment of a special fund tracking and efficiency system; Fourth, the establishment of new examination and approval system for health resources; Fifth, to further improve the multi-channel funding policy.
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