
来源 :河北自学考试 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:robert198121
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我省1997年下半年自学考试于10月25日、26日举行,这是我省举办自学考试以来的第28次考试。这次考试有42个专业,168门课程,有252810名考生参加,创我省报考人数的最高记录。为搞好这次自学考试工作,省考试院领导非常重视,进行了认真研究和部署,针对自学考试取消保留合格试卷的改革,提出了具体的措施和意见,确保了这次考试的顺利实施。 10月7—8日,由全省11个市和华北油田的教育考试院院长、主任和分管自学考试考务工作的同志,17个委托开考部门的领导和助学单位的负责人共计70余人参加了在石家庄召开的河北省自学考试考务及中专考试工作会。省教育考试院主管自学考试工作的贾静波副院长出席会议并作了重要报告。贾院长肯定了1997年上半年自学考试中考务管理工作的主要成绩,表扬了自学考试中组织管理好,考风考纪好的市,同时也指出了考试中存在的问题。他强调指出,这次考试规模大,战线长,组考任务十分繁重,各级考试部门必须高度重视考务管理工作,加强领导,严密组织,严格要求,确保考试工作的顺利进行。 Self-study examinations in the second half of 1997 in our province were held on October 25 and 26, which is the 28th exam since the province held a self-study exam. This exam has 42 majors, 168 courses, 252810 candidates to participate in, creating the highest number of applicants in my province. In order to do a good job of this self-study examination, the leaders of the Provincial Examinations Institute paid much attention to the study and carried out careful study and deployment. Specific measures and opinions were put forward in light of the abolition of self-study examinations to retain qualified papers and ensure the smooth implementation of the exam. From October 7 to July 8, the chiefs of the education examination institutes in 11 cities and the Huabei Oilfield in the province and comrades in charge of examinations and examinations for self-study examinations and the leaders of 17 entrusted examining and examining departments as well as the heads of student-aid units More than 70 people participated in the self-study examination in Hebei Province held in Shijiazhuang and secondary vocational examination work. Vice President Jia Jingbo attended the meeting and made an important report. Dean Jia affirmed the major achievements of the examination management work in the self-study exams in the first half of 1997, praised the city for self-study examinations and good organization of test and examination, and also pointed out the problems in exams. He emphasized that the examination is large-scale, long-term, and the tasks of group examination are very heavy. Examination departments at all levels must attach great importance to test management, strengthen leadership, organize closely and strictly and ensure the smooth progress of examination work.
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