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写作过程即学生表达事实、抒发情感、体现思想的过程,写作水平是学生语文综合知识运用能力的直观体现。写作能力培养是高中教学重点,而议论文教学则是作文教学重点。一方面学生在写作过程需要引经据典,运用丰富的想象力、严谨的逻辑思维能力、优秀的语言表达能力等多种能力,要求学生有较高的语文功底水平;另一方面,虽然各职能部门一直致力于教学改 The writing process is the process of students expressing facts, expressing emotions, and embodying ideas. The level of writing is an intuitive manifestation of students’ comprehensive ability in using Chinese language knowledge. Writing ability training is the focus of high school teaching, and argumentation teaching is the focus of composition teaching. On the one hand, students need to draw on evidence in the writing process, use rich imagination, rigorous logical thinking skills, excellent language skills and other capabilities, require students to have a higher level of language skills; on the other hand, although the functional departments have been Committed to teaching reform
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上网看新闻,我通常都喜欢在评论中找亮点。一般而言网络上的评论,要么就是脑残到令人绝望的愤青言论,要么就是经过精心修饰的民粹怨恨。这不,北京四中高一语文试卷加入了文言听写的测试,一经学生拍摄上网,马上就刺激到民粹派的敏感神经,他们丝毫不羞愧于自己的无知和中学岁月的虚掷,却不吝对这样的试题横加恶谥,詈之曰“变态”。  在诸多恶评詈语中,有两种观点最具特色。说是特色,是因为他们能把自卑的心态敷上一层道德
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随着高新技术的发展、知识经济的兴起和经济全球化进程的加快,对知识产权司法保护也提出了全新的要求。在社会发展的新要求、新期待的推动下,湖北 With the development of
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