
来源 :思想政治工作研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:longxmb
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近年来,随着各级领导对班组建设重视程度的提高,企业基层单位普遍建立了“班组园地”。“园内”一般有班组年度(月度)计划、管理制度和各民管员的记录册等。这些无疑对增强企业细胞活力,促进班组建设上台阶有着积极的作用。然而,也有少数“班组园地”徒有虚名。笔者发现,有的“园地”外表花里胡哨,腹内却“空空如也”——根本没有平时的工作记载,各项管理制度只是装装门面而已。有的班组到年终评比时,为应付检查,发动几个“高手”填补一下 In recent years, with the leaders at all levels attach great importance to the construction of the team, the grass-roots units of enterprises have generally established a “team garden.” “The park” is generally the annual team (monthly) plan, management system and the records of the members of the public records. These undoubtedly have a positive effect on enhancing the cell viability of enterprises and promoting the building of a team. However, there are also a few “classmates” that have names on their own. I found that some “garden” appearance bells and whistles, abdomen but “empty” - there is no usual record of the work, the management system is just a facade installation. Some teams to the year-end competition, to cope with the inspection, launched a few “master” to fill it
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随着交流活动范围的不断扩大和人们法律意识的不断增强,合同作为十分重要的约束手段,已被人们普遍地接受了。工作合同、经济合同、信用合同……可以说举目 With the continu
我在读报时,常常看到新闻报道的标题出错,有的还是大报的重要版面的大标题, 不是用词不当,就是歧义或重复累赘、摸棱两可等,往往令读者摸不着头脑。先举几个例子看看: When