Glutathione-S-transferase M1 polymorphisms on the susceptibility to esophageal cancer among three Ch

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hasolao
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AIM: To investigate the glutathione-S-transferase Ml (GSTM1) polymorphisms in three Chinese minorities, Kazakh, Uygur, and Tajik; and the pathological significance of GSTM1 polymorphisms in esophageal carcinogenesis in Kazakh. METHODS: A total of 1121 blood samples (442 males and 679 females) were obtained from healthy Kazakh (654), Uygur (412) and Tajik (55). Primary esophageal squamous cell cancer (ESCC) tissues from Kazakh were obtained from 116 patients who underwent surgery. GSTM1 polymorphisms were analyzed by a combined approach of PCR and electrophoresis techniques. RESULTS: GSTM1 null genotype was found in 62.63% Uygur, 50.91% Tajik and 47.40% Kazakh. A significantly higher frequency of GSTM1 null genotype in Uygur was observed compared with Kazakh (OR: 1.859, 95% CI: 1.445 -2.391, X2 = 23.71, P = 0.000). In addition, GSTM1 null genotype was found in 23.53% of well-differentiated ESCC in Kazakh, in 49.23% of poorly differentiated ESCC, with a significant difference (OR: 3.152, 95% CI: 1.403-7.080, X2 = 8.018, P = 0.007). CONCLUSION: There is a marked difference in the frequency of common GSTM1 null genotype between Uygur and Kazakh. GSTM1 null genotype is associated with differentiation of ESCC in Kazakh. A: To investigate the glutathione-S-transferase Ml (GSTM1) polymorphisms in three Chinese minorities, Kazakh, Uygur, and Tajik; and the pathological significance of GSTM1 polymorphisms in esophageal carcinogenesis in Kazakh. METHODS: A total of 1121 blood samples males and 679 females were obtained from healthy Kazakh (654), Uygur (412) and Tajik (55). Primary esophageal squamous cell cancer (ESCC) tissues from Kazakh were obtained from patients who underwent surgery. combined with PCR and electrophoresis techniques. RESULTS: GSTM1 null genotype was found in 62.63% Uygur, 50.91% Tajik and 47.40% Kazakh. A significantly higher frequency of GSTM1 null genotype in Uygur was observed compared with Kazakh (OR: 1.859, 95% CI: 1.445-2.391, X2 = 23.71, P = 0.000). In addition, GSTM1 null genotype was found in 23.53% of well-differentiated ESCC in Kazakh, in 49.23% of poorly differentiated ESCC with a significant difference (OR: 3.152 , 95% CI: 1.403-7.080, X2 = 8.018, P = 0.007). CONCLUSION: There is a marked difference in the frequency of common GSTM1 null genotype between Uygur and Kazakh. GSTM1 null genotype is associated with differentiation of ESCC in Kazakh.
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周末,我吃饱喝足,躺在沙发上刷手机玩,看到Miss Gwendolyn更新了朋友圈。她上传了张健身图,配图写道:手臂再细点,肚子还要平点,腰能不能再不盈一握点……坚持,坚持,饿成狗也要坚持!  我没忍住,扑哧一声笑出来。G小妞人长得和她名字截然相反,名字胖胖一长溜,人却又瘦又玲珑,160个子85斤,饶是这样,她还嫌自己长得富态,每天卡路里挂嘴巴上不下来。  G小妞宣称自己是素食主义者,每天自带饭盒