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在香港大学文史系,金应熙随陈寅恪、许地山两师习宗教史和梵文,故对印度哲学有基本认识。半世纪前,个别学者一厢情愿地认为唯物论不适合印度人,所以印度哲学无唯物论。金氏正确指出对于婆罗门教和佛教,六师外道多倡唯物论及无神论。尽管牙含章、王友三主编《中国无神论史》忽略魏晋时代成书的《列子》,笔者怀疑佛经所载的外道六师间接影响《列子》的定命论、无神论、唯物论和享乐论。金氏奉命批判陈师提倡唯心论及形上学,后来中山大学副校长陈序经带他往陈家跪地道歉。事实上形上学包含宇宙起源和结构的学说,例如唯心论与唯物论,皆非贬词或褒词而为中性词。亚里士多德学园领袖罗德岛的Andronicus在公元前一世纪编辑三百年前亚氏著作时,将《物理学》后面的文章称为《后物理学》即《形上学》。不幸大批中国学者误用“形上学”为“疏忽物质基础”之类的贬词,金氏未能免俗。须知对宇宙的理解,天马行空的形上学永远追不上天文学,难得金氏少年醉心天文、数学和象棋,可惜观棋累他丧失留学牛津的黄金机会,正如二战剥夺陈寅恪任教牛津的良机。幸亏访问墨西哥大学一年及德国司徒加市开会一次令他管窥世界汉学,更深探菲律宾、澳大利亚、香港及华侨诸史,何况中俄关系史。他对历史人物的研究注重家世籍贯,可谓别出心裁。美学家朱光潜自学多种语言,主要志在翻译,陈、许、金三氏苦习多种语言以资研讨,如金氏搜集大量资料欲诠释婆罗门正宗六论之一“数论派”的《金七十年论》。禅宗公案偈语多辨证诡词。金氏虽然非哲学家,未曾如陈氏误解慧能佛偈半不通。他能看出汤用彤一书微瑕,但是汤氏佳作《理学·佛学·玄学》出版于金氏仙逝前仅四个月,他大约无缘阅读了。道教史方面,金氏洞察西方汉学缺陷在专精而未通博。政治“俗谛”导致师生精神决裂,例如俞樾与章太炎、康有为与梁启超、熊十力与任继愈,以及贺麟与牟宗三、陈和金。晚年金氏舒缓义宁之学与马列主义的冲突,但是未如谭嗣同冲决意识形态网罗。 Department of History and Culture in Hong Kong University, Jin Yingxi along with Chen Yin Ke, Xu Shan two division of religious history and Sanskrit, it has a basic understanding of Indian philosophy. Half a century ago, some scholars wishful thinking that materialism is not suitable for Indians, so there is no materialism in Indian philosophy. Kim’s right to point out that for Brahmanism and Buddhism, the six divisions and doctrines more advocate materialism and atheism. Despite the fact that the book of teeth, Wang You-san’s editorial “The History of Atheism,” overlooks the “Liezi” that became a book in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, I doubt that the Sixth Party Rule of Outer Way, which is contained in the Buddhist scriptures, indirectly affects the “Liezi” determinism, atheism, materialism and hedonism. Kim ordered the criticism of Chen Shizai advocate idealism and metaphysics, and later Sun Xuantong Vice President Chen Xujing took him to kneel down to apologize to Chen. In fact, metaphysics contains the theories of the origin and structure of the universe. For example, idealism and materialism are neither neutral nor commendable as neutral words. Andronicus, leader of the Aristotelian Academy in Rhode Island, referred to the post-physics article as “post-physics” or “metaphysics” when he edited Archangel’s work three hundred years ago in the first century BC. Unfortunately, a large number of Chinese scholars misuse “metaphysics ” as “negligence of material basis ” and the like, devaluation, King’s not exempt. Knowing the universe’s understanding, abstract metaphysics can never catch up with astronomy, a rare golden boy indulged in astronomy, math and chess. Unfortunately, he lost the golden chance of studying in Oxford, just as Chen Yinque taught him the opportunity to teach Oxford in World War II. Thanks to a one-year visit to the University of Mexico and a meeting in Stuttgart, Germany, it gives him a glimpse of world sinology, deepening the history of the Philippines, Australia, Hong Kong and overseas Chinese, not to mention the history of Sino-Russian relations. His research on historical figures focuses on family background and can be described as extraordinary. Aesthetic scholar Zhu Guangcai self-taught in multiple languages, mainly in the translation, Chen, Xu, Sandin bitterly learn a variety of languages ​​for research, such as King’s collection of large amounts of data to interpret one of Brahman’s authentic six theory “Golden seventy years theory.” Zen paternity words more dialectical syndromes. Although non-philosophers Jin, Chen, such as never understand the wisdom of Buddha can not get through. He can see Tang Yong Tong a flaw, but Tom’s masterpiece << Neo-Confucianism, Buddhism, Metaphysics >> published only four months before Jin’s death, he missed reading. Taoism history, King’s insight into the Western Han Xue defects rather than Bo. Political “vulgar meaning ” led to the break-up of teachers and students, such as Yu Yu and Zhang Taiyan, Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao, Xiong Shili and Ren Jiyu, and He Lin and Mou Zongsan and Chen Hejin. Late Goldsmith relieved the conflict between Yining and Marxism-Leninism but did not tackle ideological snares as Tan Sit-tong did.
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