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今年上半年,人民日报海外版在加强改革开放的宣传上,打了一个较为漂亮的大仗:《中国黄金海岸巡礼》系列报道。这次系列报道面广量大,涉及我国沿海11个省、自治区、直辖市的经济、政治、文化、社会生活等各个方面,报道主题重大,采访任务繁重。海外版编辑部经过充分筹划,从去年11月中旬起,先后派出三批20余名记者,采访100余天写成100余篇作品。这是该报创办7年来最大的一次宣传报道战役。中国沿海地区,是我国率先改革开放并已取得举世瞩目成就的“黄金海岸”,多年来成为新闻界宣传报道的“热门”。海外版根据加强宣传报道“一个中心、两个基本点”的精神,胸有全局,善择时机,力求用新的材料、新的角度、新的写法,分层次、有重点、多风格地反映“黄金海岸”改革开放中的新风貌。现在看,这个尝试是成功的。这组系列报道从今年1月22日首篇推出以来,引起了海内外各界的关注,产生了较大的反响。本刊特请参加这次报道的部分记者,谈谈他们采访的艰辛、写作的甘苦、成功的欣慰。 In the first half of this year, the overseas edition of People’s Daily hit a rather beautiful big battle in the propaganda of reform and opening up: a series of reports of “China Gold Coast Tour”. The series covers a wide range of topics and covers all aspects of the economy, politics, culture and social life of 11 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Chinese coastal areas. The coverage of the series is heavy and the task of interviewing is heavy. The overseas edition editorial office has been fully planned. From mid-November of last year, it has sent more than 20 reporters in three batches and interviewed over 100 works in more than 100 days. This is the newspaper’s largest propaganda campaign in seven years since its founding. China’s coastal areas are the “golden coast” that China took the lead in carrying out its reform and opening up and has made remarkable achievements in the world. It has become a “hot spot” in the media coverage over the years. According to the spirit of “one center and two basic points”, the Overseas Version strives to reflect on the new situation, the new approach, the new style, the multi-level, the focused and the multi-style New Features in “Gold Coast” Reform and Opening. Now look, this attempt is successful. Since the series was first released on January 22 this year, this series of reports has aroused the public’s attention from all walks of life and has had a great response. We hereby invite you to attend some of the reporters in this report and talk about the hardships of their interviews, the bitter writing and the gratification of success.
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