Chemical Synthesis of Peptide Antigens From Nucleocapsid Protein of Hepatitis C Virus and Their Appl

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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) contains a positite- and single-stranded RNA genomeand was proposed in 1991 to be placed in the new third genus of the familyFlaviviridae. Sufficient data obtained all around the world indicate that about 90%of post-transfusion hepatitis is caused by HCV and that chronic HCV infection can in-crease the risk of the development of primary hepatocellular carcinoma. In thepreliminary epidemiological investigations, a high prevalence of anti-HCV antibodieswas detected in Chinese patients with liver disease and Chinese occupational blood do-nors, especially the plasmapheresis donors. That is to say, HCV causes a serioushealth problem in China and diagnostic assays for HCV infection are in urgent need Hepatitis C virus (HCV) contains a positite- and single-stranded RNA genome and was proposed in 1991 to be placed in the new third genus of the family Flaviviridae. Sufficient data obtained all around the world indicates that about 90% of post-transfusion hepatitis is caused by HCV and that chronic HCV infection can in-crease the risk of the development of primary hepatocellular carcinoma. In the preliminary epidemiological investigations, a high prevalence of anti-HCV antibodies was detected in Chinese patients with liver disease and Chinese occupational blood do-nors, especially the plasmapheresis donors. That is to say, HCV causes a serious health problem in China and diagnostic assays for HCV infection are in urgent need
凭借公司领导层卓越的领导力、战略管理、性能分析和持续改进,利勃海尔矿山设备Newport News有限公司荣获了由美国平衡计分卡协会(BSI)颁发的2014年卓越组织奖。该奖项从卓越
[摘要]美术教育被公认为是培养创造力的最具成效的学科之一,是培养学生创造意识和创新能力的良好渠道和途径。针对小学美术趣味性强且对形象思维的要求较高的特点,小学美术教师培养学生的创新意识非常重要,本文从五个方面阐述了在新课标下进行小学美术创新教法的探索尝试,阐述了兴趣、思维、创造、制作、鉴赏、评价等在美术教法中的作用,以达到抛砖引玉的目的。  [关键词]兴趣 思维 创造 制作 评价    进入21世