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一、引言几乎所有对林业产业在加拿大经济中所起作用的分析,都着重于分析产业规模的大小以及它对整个国民经济直接的重要程度。常被提及的是林业产业是加拿大最大的出口部门和最大的就业行业。例如在1985年,加拿大林产品的出口额达160亿美元,占加拿大全国出口贸易额的14%,同时从业人员达26.8万人,占全国就业人数的3%。当然这种比较可以使人们直接了解到林业产业在加拿大国民经济中的重要性。但若进行多方位的考察,不难看到这种比较低估了林业产业对整个国民经济所起的重要作用。因为在大多数情况下,林业产业对国民经济的作用,是通过其它经济部门间接地表现出来的。而实际上,人们常常忽视林业产业对国民经济的间接效益的大小及重要性,只注重林业产业的直 I. INTRODUCTION Almost all the analysis of the role of forestry in the Canadian economy focuses on analyzing the size of the industry and its direct importance to the economy as a whole. Often mentioned, the forestry industry is Canada’s largest export sector and the largest employment sector. For example, in 1985, Canadian exports of forest products amounted to 16 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 14% of Canada’s total export trade and employing 268,000 people at the same time, accounting for 3% of the national total. Of course, this kind of comparison can make people directly understand the importance of forestry industry in Canadian national economy. However, if conducting a multi-directional inspection, it is not hard to see that this underestimates the important role played by the forestry industry in the entire national economy. For the most part, the role of forestry in the national economy is indirectly manifested through other sectors of the economy. In fact, people often neglect the indirect benefit of the forestry industry to the national economy in size and importance, and only focus on the direct
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