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今年2月17日晚11点半左右,家住金华市南苑新村某公寓301室的徐某偶然发现自己卧室天花板及墙上有红色的血水渗下来,不免心起疑问,楼上人家怎么了?……不好!肯定出事了!江南派出所民警接报后来到401室,踢开房门,发现屋内血腥味弥漫,两男三女被杀,场面惨不忍睹。于是,迅速封闭了现场。紧接着,刑侦人员赶到现场,进行勘查.现场勘查发现,五名被害人中,除一人外,其余四人身上均捆有绳索,嘴巴被布塞住。致命伤均是刀伤,有一被害人被刺七、八刀.另外,三名女青年被害前均遭强奸。死者身上及现场的贵重财物被洗劫一空。 At about 11:30 of the evening of February 17 this year, Xu, who lives in Room 301, an apartment in Nanyuan Village, Jinhua City, accidentally found himself infiltrating the ceiling of the bedroom and the red bloody water on the wall. Why? Certainly an accident! Jiangnan police station reported to the police after the 401 room, opened the door and found the house filled with bloody smells, two men and three women were killed, the scene appalling. So, quickly closed the scene. Immediately afterwards, the investigators rushed to the scene for exploration, and the scene investigation found that among the five victims, all but four of them were tied with ropes and their mouths were plugged. Mortal wounds are stab wounds, a victim was stabbed seven, eight knife.In addition, the three young women were raped before being killed. The dead and the scene of the valuable property was looted.
Congenital abnormalities of the kidney and urinary tract(CAKUT) include a wide range of abnormalities ranging from asymptomatic ectopic kidneys to life threaten
上学的时候,忙功课忙得像马戏团的杂耍表演,这只手抛上一个球,那只手赶紧又要去接下一个球。如果有一分钟自己的时间,只想倒下去埋头大睡,连梦也不想做。  只有关于《长腿叔叔》的梦除外。  有一个月,电视台开始播放动画片《长腿叔叔》。每天放学以后我们都可以收看一集。本来,这珍贵的半个小时我们一般用来吃馄饨或者羊肉串,作为对一天辛苦学习的补偿。但自从有了《长腿叔叔》,我们的肚子好像也变得有耐心了,打了下课
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Objective: To evaluate the renal ischemia reperfusion injury(IRI) in rabbits using the ultrasonic contrast technique and discuss the clinical value of ultrasoni
广东省佛山市第一中学地理特级教师全疆发老师在高三的综合科目地理课中,非常注意将教学内容问题化、地图化,在启发式教学中予以知识归纳,体现出教学的灵活性和互动性。 In
《普通高中数学课程标准 (实验 )》(以下简称《标准》)中列举了一些有创意的、新颖的、富有挑战性的参考案例 .现从这些参考案例中选取第 34页的案例 1来分析 .例 1 海水受