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黄帝是神话传说,还是真人真事?在浩淼苍茫、茹毛饮血的远古中国,真的曾经驰骋过一个圣哲英雄的黄帝时代?毫无疑问,这个问题一直被史学界关注。有趣的是,对于高其国先生来说,黄帝及黄帝时代是真是假仿佛并不重要,重要的是有关黄帝和黄帝时代的一切,一直是中国历代仁人儒哲的致世理想,也是历朝历代中国寻常百姓情绪中一个与血液同样持久的祈世情结,只要有这两样东西就足够了。基于此,他呕心沥血五载有余,翻阅大量考古文献、历史资料,并在力所能及的范围进行实地考察,演绎出洋洋洒洒三十万言的《轩辕黄帝评传》,其用心之良苦,可歌可叹!本刊将全文连载《轩辕黄帝评传》,期望学界和广大读者予以关注。 The Yellow Emperor is a myth or legend, or a true story? In vast and vast, ancient and rude Chinese blood, has really driven a saintly hero of the Yellow Emperor era? There is no doubt that this issue has been the concern of historians. Interestingly, for Mr. Gao Qiguo, it is as if the Yellow Emperor and the Yellow Emperor did not really matter whether they were true or false. What is important is that all relevant to the Yellow Emperor and the Yellow Emperor’s era has always been the ideal of attaining the benevolence of Confucianism in ancient China, Ordinary people’s emotions in the same lasting blood and the same aspiration of the world, as long as there is enough of these two things. Based on this, he painstakingly spent more than five contained, read through a large number of archaeological literature, historical data, and within the scope of field visits, interpretation of the 300,000 words of Xuanyuan Huang Di Ping Chuan, its intentions of bitterness, sarcastic This article will be the full text serial “Xuanyuan Huangdi Biography”, expect the academic community and readers to pay attention.
本文综述了国内外对高分子负载烯烃歧化催化剂的研究概况。 This review summarizes the research progress of polymer supported olefin disproportionation catalysts at
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绿色化学理念作为一种新型的教学理念,其教学内容与教学方法都与传统的教学不同。因此,将绿色化学理念渗透到中学化学教学,可以有效的改善化学课堂教学质量。 As a new type
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