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在大连理工大学校园,顾大伟创业的故事一直在师生中传为佳话。2000年7月,面临毕业的顾大伟推迟了出国深造的计划,毅然选择了艰辛的创业之路,他以自己开发的个应用软件赢得一家公司的500万元人民币的风险投资,与大连理工大学的10多个同学一起,成立了大连正源网络科技有限公司,并亲自担任总经理。一时间,大连新闻媒体对此事争相报道,顾大伟成了大连高校大学生创业的典范。一年过去了,当笔者不时听到一些大学生创业受挫的消息时,顾大伟及其公司又怎样了呢?带着这样的问题,前不久,记者专程采访了顾大伟。毛衫仔裤,记者面前的顾大伟一如学生时代样朴实,只是从他那稳健理智的谈吐中,记者才嗅出了一些“总经理”的味道。顾大伟的创业梦始于1998年暑假的一次打工经历。那个暑假,顾大伟在北京一电脑公司打工时,编写了一个网上实时交易软件,被这家公司的老板看中,以5000元的价格买走并转手卖了30万。这件事使顾大伟受到了不小的震撼:“原来,知识是很值钱的!”当时他就萌生了一个念头:“等自己有能力时,也办个公司,看看自己的知识到底能值多少钱。”为了实现自己的创业梦,顾大伟在大学里一直用心地储备着自己的知 In the Dalian Polytechnic University campus, Gu Dawei entrepreneurship story has always been a good story for teachers and students. In July 2000, graduating Gu Daoyi postponed his studies abroad program, decided to choose a difficult way to start a business, he developed a software application to win a company’s venture capital of 5 million yuan, and Dalian University of Technology More than 10 students together to set up Dalian Zhengyuan Network Technology Co., Ltd., and personally served as general manager. For a time, Dalian news media contested this report, Gu Dawei college students in Dalian has become a model for entrepreneurship. A year later, when I heard from time to time some underdog entrepreneurship news, Gu Dawei and his company what happened? With such a problem, not long ago, the reporter made a special interview with Gu Dawei. Sweater jeans, Gu Dawei in front of reporters like a simple student-era, but from his steady and sensible conversation, the reporter just sniffed out some “general manager ” flavor. Gu Dawei’s entrepreneurial dream began in the summer of 1998, a working experience. During that summer, Gu Dawei wrote a real-time online trading software when he was working in a computer company in Beijing. He was fanned by the boss of the company to buy and sell 300,000 yuan at a price of 5,000 yuan. This incident made Gu Dawei a tremendous shock: “It turned out that knowledge was very valuable!” At that time, he started a thought: “When I have the ability, I also run a company to see my own knowledge In the end how much money. ”In order to achieve their entrepreneurial dream, Gu Dawei has been carefully in college reserves his knowledge
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摘要:供电施工企业降本增效之道在于要继续弘扬“三节约”精神,树立牢固的“向成本要效益”的观念;积极稳妥地推进产权制度改革,提高职工对企业成本管理的关切度;建立成本管理责任制,完善指标考评体系和奖惩机制;降低生产要素成本,切实提供低成本的资金流、物资流、人力流;依靠科技创新和管理创新,推动成本管理向纵深发展。  关键词:供电;施工企业;降本增效  作者简介:刘兆平(1965-),男,辽宁大连人,大连