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近日,广东卫视宣布启动“海纳百川”行动——将用开放的合作政策、富有含金量的版面资源和优质的营销力量三大举措,面向全国广纳“贤财”、广招优秀节目制作团队和优质项目,力求将广东卫视打造成一个海纳百川的开放平台,将所有优质资源都汇聚到平台上来,进行生产、研发、孵化,致力于节目的深耕,推出一系列有营养、有市场的精品节目。广东卫视将对合作项目进行认真评估和筛选,把握好节目的舆论和价值导向。在提供版面的同时,也将对合作方提供制作团队、营销团队等多方面的服务和政策支持,特别是对大投入的优质节目,将会提供更多的优惠政策加以扶持。 Recently, Guangdong Satellite TV announced the launch of “Heiner Sea” action - will use an open cooperation policy, rich gold content layout resources and high-quality marketing power of the three major initiatives for the country to admit “Yin Cai ”, widely recruiting outstanding programs Production team and quality projects, and strive to fight Guangdong Satellite TV as an all-embracing open platform, all the high quality resources will be brought together on the platform, production, research and development, hatching, committed to the plight of the program, launched a series of nutritious and marketable Excellent show. Guangdong Satellite TV will seriously evaluate and screen the cooperation projects and grasp the public opinion and value orientation of the programs. While providing the layout, it will also provide cooperation partners with various services and policies such as production team and marketing team. In particular, they will provide more preferential policies to support high-quality investment programs.
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缩节安是一种新型生长调节剂。1981~1984年,我们研究了缩节安对地膜覆盖棉和育苗移栽棉的调控效应及经济效益,取得了良好的结果。 缩节安的应用效果 1.在不同栽培方式下应用