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I2C总线彩电其控制方式和控制信号不同于普通遥控彩电,许多维修人员感到I2C彩电的检修比普通遥控彩电要难,当遇到有违常规的的故障现象,常感到束手无策。本文谈谈I2C总线的特殊引脚及特殊故障的检修。1.值得注意的几个引脚许多I2C总线彩电CPU(微处理器)及被控器上设有特殊功能? I2C bus color TV control method and control signal is different from the ordinary remote color TV, many maintenance staff felt that the maintenance of the I2C color TV remote control TV more difficult than ordinary, when in violation of conventional failure phenomenon, often feel helpless. This article talk about the special I2C bus pins and special troubleshooting. 1. A few notable pins Many of the I2C bus color televisions CPUs and controllers have special features on them.
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目的 分析北京市实施医药分开综合改革和医耗联动改革前后医院的主要医疗指标及收入结构变化情况和影响.方法 选择2016年-2019年每年7月-12月的数据,采用同期对照的方法,对两
银华锐进为银华深证100指数分级基金中的子基金,银华稳进为约定年收益“1年期同期银行定期存款利率(税后)+3%”的低风险子基金,银华锐进为高风险 Yinhua Ruijin is a sub-fu