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目的分析广州市白云区2006—2014年登革热的流行特点和影响因素,为今后有效防控登革热疫情提供科学依据。方法通过中国疾病预防控制信息系统中的“传染病报告信息管理系统”和“突发公共卫生事件管理信息系统”收集广州市白云区2006—2014年登革热疫情资料,采用描述性流行病学方法进行分析。结果 2006—2014年白云区共报告登革热病例12 032例,其中本地感染病例12 017例,输入性病例15例,年发病率为0.00~532.58/10万;2014年报告病例11 840例,发病率为532.58/10万。病例发病时间主要集中在8—11月,共报告11 979例,占发病总数的99.56%。发病数居前5位的街镇依次为永平街、棠景街、石井街、新市街、同德街,该5个街镇的病例数占全区总病例数的50.11%(6 029/12 032)。男性5 995例,女性6 037例,男、女平均发病率分别为61.64/10万和74.06/10万,男性发病率低于女性(P<0.01)。以20~49岁年龄段发病数最多,共报告7 652例,占发病总数的63.50%。病例职业以家务及待业居多(3 153例,占26.21%),其次为工人(1 229例,占10.21%)。结论白云区登革热流行具有输入病例与本地传播并存、散发与多点暴发并存及季节性、周期性流行等特点,及早采取以控制蚊媒密度为重点的控制措施、加大多部门联防联控机制的执行力度是控制登革热流行的有效手段。 Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics and influencing factors of Dengue Fever in Baiyun District of Guangzhou from 2006 to 2014 so as to provide a scientific basis for the effective prevention and control of dengue fever in future. Methods The epidemiological data of dengue in Baiyun District of Guangzhou from 2006 to 2014 were collected through the Infectious Disease Reporting Information Management System and Epidemiological Public Health Incident Management Information System of China’s disease prevention and control information system. Pathology method for analysis. Results A total of 12 032 cases of dengue fever were reported in Baiyun District from 2006 to 2014, of which 12 017 were locally infected and 15 were imported. The annual incidence rate was 0.00-532.58 / 100 000; in 2014, 11 840 cases were reported, the incidence rate 532.58 / 100,000. The incidence of cases mainly concentrated in the 8-11 months, a total of 11 979 cases were reported, accounting for 99.56% of the total number of cases. The top 5 towns in terms of incidence were Wing Ping Street, Tong King Street, Ishii Street, Shing Shing Street and Tong Tak Street. The number of cases in the five towns accounted for 50.11% of the total number of cases in the district (6,029 / 12 032). There were 5,995 males and 6,037 females. The average incidence of males and females was 61.64 / lakh and 74.06 / lakh, respectively. The incidence of males was lower than that of females (P <0.01). The highest incidence of 20 to 49 age group, a total of 7 652 cases were reported, accounting for 63.50% of the total incidence. The majority of cases occupy the majority of domestic and unemployed workers (3 153 cases, accounting for 26.21%), followed by workers (1229 cases, 10.21%). Conclusion The prevalence of dengue in Baiyun District is characterized by the coexistence of imported cases and local dissemination, the coexistence of exudes and multiple outbreaks, seasonal and periodic epidemics, and the earlier control measures focusing on the control of mosquito vectors and the increase of multi-sectoral coalition prevention and control mechanisms Implementation is an effective means of controlling the spread of dengue fever.
传统的抖振分析方法或者过于复杂而不便于工程应用 ,或者忽略了过多的因素而精度不高。根据R .H .Scanlan的桥梁颤抖振分析方法并引入气动导纳的影响 ,采用数值积分的结果 ,
2016年6月至2017年6月,始兴县农业技术推广总站在始兴县洪源果业有限公司杨梅果园、始兴县乌石粤山牌杨梅专业合作社杨梅果园等多个杨梅果园进行了土壤养分含量测定及配方施肥的综合试验,效果显著。试验结果值得始兴县相似类型杨梅果园借鉴及推广。  试验程序:1.测土 2.试验分析 3.配方 4.结果分析  一、测土  部分杨梅果园测土采样地块养分实测统计表  试验园地分为洪源杨梅园和乌石杨梅园,面积各