盘点过去 把握现在 指点未来 聚焦国情调查国力——就经济普查访自治区政府第一次全国经济普查领导小组副组长、自治区统计局局长廖新华

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近10年来,在国务院和地方各级人民政府的统一领导下,全国开展了工业、第三产业、农业、人口和基本单位等项重大国情国力普查,并且都取得了成功。这些普查,摸清了“家底”,深化了对我国基本国情国力的认识;掌握了丰富的基础资料,为党中央、国务院以及地方各级党委、政府进行科学决策特别是加强和改进宏观调控提供了重要依据;为国民经济核算提供了大量基础数据,为提高核算质量和推进统计调查体系改革奠定了基础,使我国统计工作在与国际一般规则接轨方面向前迈出了重要一步。广西如何做好第一次全国经济普查工作,就此本刊记者专访了自治区政府第一次全国经济普查领导小组副组长、自治区统计局局长廖新华。 In the past 10 years, under the unified leadership of the State Council and local people’s governments at various levels, the country conducted a nationwide census of the major national conditions in industry, the tertiary industry, agriculture, population and basic units, all of which have achieved success. These censuses have made clear the “family background” and deepened our understanding of the basic national conditions and strength of our country. We have mastered a wealth of basic materials and provided scientific decisions for the Party Central Committee and the State Council, as well as party committees and governments at all levels, and in particular the strengthening and improvement of macro-control Provided a large number of basic data for the national economy, laid the foundation for improving the quality of accounting and the reform of the statistical survey system, and made the statistical work of our country an important step forward in keeping with the general international rules. How to do a good job in Guangxi’s first national economic census work, this correspondents interviewed the autonomous region government the first national economic census leading group deputy leader, autonomous statistics bureau director Liao Xinhua.
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