Mixotrophic Cultivation of Tetraselmis sp.-1 in Airlift Photobioreactor

来源 :High Technology Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:drink_xo
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Tetraselmis sp.-1 is a new microalgae strain constructed by cell fusion technique. In this paper, the mixotrophic cultivation of Tetraselmis sp.-1 in airlift photobioreactor is investigated. Firstly, the paper calculates the light attenuation in the mixotrophic medium, and sets the light attenuation model. Secondly, it uses the same dissolved oxygen coefficient (K d) of flask culture to select the aeration of bioreactor. Finally, it sets the growth kinetic model, production (chlorophyll-a and total lipid) kinetic models and substrate (glucose) consumption kinetic model of Tetraselmis sp.-1 in airlift photobioreactor. Tetraselmis sp.-1 is a new microalgae strain constructed by cell fusion technique. In this paper, the mixotrophic cultivation of Tetraselmis sp.-1 in airlift photobioreactor is investigated. the light attenuation model. Secondly, it uses the same dissolved oxygen coefficient (K d) of flask culture to select the aeration of bioreactor. Finally, it sets the growth kinetic model, production (chlorophyll-a and total lipid) kinetic models and substrate (glucose) consumption kinetic model of Tetraselmis sp.-1 in airlift photobioreactor.
鱼种自给 养殖规模越大,鱼种所需费用越高,一般占总成本的20%。有条件的养殖场应自繁自育,并做好亲鱼提纯选育工作;无条件的养殖户一定要到信誉较好的大型苗种场或原种场,采
2003年10月30日 , 在湖 北 省 科技 厅 的 主持 下 , 由 湖 北 省 水 产 科 学 研 究 所 和 广 东 肇 庆市 金 欧 亚 科 技 研 究 开 发 有 限 公 司 承 担 的 ”全雄( 杂 交
当今科学技术不断发展,国外科研人员纷纷推出各种养鱼新法,其成效高、收益大。目前,国外主要流行以下几种新法养鱼。 With the continuous development of science and tech