针对传统岩巷下山掘进中运料出矸系统存在的问题,提出利用矸石仓中转存储的出矸方案.结合显德汪矿四采区九9号煤轨道下山的地质生产条件,对矸石仓的容量、支护等进行了设计.应用结果表明,改造之后的运输系统不仅提高了掘进效率,而且实现了运料和出矸的分离,降低了运输环节的安全隐患.“,”Traditional Downward Rock Roadway drivage system existed malpractice,the use of coal gangue warehouse transfer storage scheme of the bottles was proposed.Combining with XiandEwang mine No.9 coal seam the fourth mining area down the mountain geological and production conditions,the capacity and supporting of waste rock warehouse were designed.Application results showed that of the transport system after transformation not only improved the efficiency of the tunneling,but also achieved the delivery and the separation of coal and gangue and reduced the transportation security hidden danger.