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对青少年可不可以采用评比竞赛的方法作为提高教育质量的手段是值得研究的问题。从我校初中部某些方面运用这一方法来看效果是不好的。虽然开始也出现过一些好现象,但不久问题就出现了,而且越来越显得严重。去年大跃进的形势激起了师生不断革命的热情,要求迅速提高教育质量,同时看到工农业战线上展开了社会主义大竞赛,处处红旗招展,胜利浪潮一个接上一个。因此很自然的把这一方式引进到教育工作上来了。部分教师和学生开展了评比竞赛用以推动教学教育工作质量的提高。在学生中搞评比竞赛大概可以分为两步:第一步班级的表决心、搞倡议、提指标、互相挑战应战订出班级跃进规划,规则内容非常全面,项项要求都有指标,一般说来是品质上要消灭乙等,学业成绩上要消灭2分,其他各项都要达到百分之百。挑战的时候为了要显示劲头,为了要体现赶和此,某些指标是不切合实际情况不可能在一定期内实现的。规划订出以后,第 The question of whether juveniles can use competitions as a means to improve the quality of education is worth studying. The use of this method from some aspects of the middle school in our school is not good. Although there have been some good phenomena at the beginning, the problems have appeared soon and have become more and more serious. The situation of the Great Leap Forward last year provoked the enthusiasm of the teachers and students to continue to revolutionize. It called for rapid improvement in the quality of education. At the same time, we saw the socialist competition on the front lines of the industry and agriculture. Red flags beckoned everywhere, and the wave of victory followed one. It is therefore natural to introduce this approach to education. Some teachers and students have conducted competitions to promote the quality of teaching and education. Competing in the students than in the competition can be divided into two steps: the first step of the class table determination, engage in initiatives, mentioning indicators, challenge each other to formulate class leap forward planning, the content of the rules is very comprehensive, item requirements have indicators, generally speaking In order to eliminate quality B, we must eliminate 2 points in academic achievement and 100% in all other aspects. When challenging, in order to show momentum, in order to reflect the rush to catch up with this, certain indicators are not realistic and cannot be achieved on a regular basis. After planning is set, the first
工之侨得良桐焉,■而为琴,弦而鼓之,金声而玉应,自以为天下之美也。献之太常,使国工视之,曰:“勿古。”还之。工之侨以归,谋诸漆工,作断纹焉; The overwhelming wealth of
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2015年11月,在中国第三十二次南极科学考察队里,有位90后小伙子格外引人注目:潘曜,太原理工大学电气与动力工程学院极地检测技术研究室在读硕士研究生。  小潘是安徽安庆人,1992年出生,本科就读于太原理工大学电气与动力工程学院,后成为该校极地冰雪检测研究团队成员,师从窦银科教授。  身为共青团员的潘曜,在校期间就十分刻苦勤奋,凭借自己的知识功底和应用能力,成为太原理工大学第一个前往南极内陆执行
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6月23日,中国关工委常务副主任杨志海、刘峰岩一行6人在贵州省关工委副主任吴嘉甫、秘书长罗卫东以及遵义市关工委常务副主任张家富、蒋仕宏、秘书长赵斌等陪同下到遵义市播州区考察调研。  考察团一行先后参观了播州区苟坝陈列馆、苟坝会址、苟坝长五间周恩来驻地以及枫香花茂村新农村建设,调研了枫香花茂村关工委工作。  在花茂村关工委办公室,考察组与村关工委老同志仔细交谈,详细了解该村关工委组织建设、制度建设、