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国土资源部惩防体系建设工作具体体现在5个方面:把推进观念防腐和作风防腐作为惩防体系建设的基础性工程;把保持中央政令畅通作为惩防体系建设的重要任务;把创新制度、规范权力运行作为惩防体系建设的关键环节;把惩处违法违纪行为作为惩治和预防腐败的重要手段;把落实牵头任务作为惩防体系建设的重点工作。部领导强调,国土资源领域是党风廉政建设的重点领域。党风廉政建设是国土资源事业发展的生命线,必须旗帜鲜明,态度坚决,深入推进惩治和预防腐败体系建设,不能有丝毫的懈怠。本期杂志用较大篇幅集中刊发了部领导在全国国土资源系统党风廉政建设工作会议上的重要讲话、工作报告等,提请读者注意。 The construction of punishment and prevention system of the Ministry of Land and Resources is embodied in five aspects: advancing concept preservation and style preservation as the foundation engineering for the construction of punishment and prevention system; keeping the smoothness of the central government ordinance as an important task in the construction of punishment and prevention system; integrating the innovation system, Standardize the operation of power as a key link in the construction of punishment and prevention system; take punitive acts of breaking the law and discipline as an important means of punishing and preventing corruption; and take the implementation of leading tasks as a key task in the construction of punishment and prevention system. The ministry leaders emphasized that the field of land and resources is a key area for building a clean government and a clean government. The work of building a clean government and an honest government are the lifeline of the development of the land and resources. We must take a clear-cut stand and resolute attitude and push forward the construction of a system of punishment and prevention of corruption without any slackening. In this issue, a large piece of the magazine has been published with great speeches by the department leaders in the national land and resources system, party and government work conference on clean government’s important speech, work report, drew readers’ attention.
[病例] 女,37岁.阵发性心慌6年,每于情绪激动易诱发,持续2小时.院外曾诊断为阵发性心动过速,用药史不详.近4月来发作频繁,并伴晕厥.此次因晕厥发作急诊入院.
目的探讨6 min步行实验在国人心衰患者中的可行性及临床应用价值.rn方法 22例正常对照者和50例充血性心力衰竭(CHF)患者进行了6 min步行实验(6-MWT),其中随机选取的12例患者