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位于滏阳河源头的邯郸市峰峰矿区,是一个有着光荣革命传统的老区,在现代史上曾书写过辉煌的一页。抗战时期,晋冀鲁豫边区雄峙峰峰鼓山以西,解放战争时期,这里又曾是平汉战役八路军129师指挥部所在地,历史记载了峰峰人民的斗争与智慧,也镌刻下了众多的爱国志士、革命先驱的光辉业绩。改革开放的今天,峰峰人民高举爱国主义这面永恒的旗帜,发挥老区优势,挖掘德育资源,开拓教育新思路,把全区中小学爱国主义教育开展得如火如茶,在滏河源头掀起了一股强大的爱国热潮。 Located in the Fengfeng Mine District of Handan City at the head of the Fuyang River, it is an old district with a glorious revolutionary tradition. It has written a glorious page in modern history. During the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Jinxi and Luyu border areas were west of Gushan, the peak of the Gushan Mountains. During the war of liberation, it was once the headquarters of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army during the Pinghan Campaign. Historical records of the struggles and wisdom of the Fengfeng people have also been recorded. The brilliant achievements of patriots and revolutionary pioneers. Today’s reform and opening up, the people of Fengfeng hold high the eternal banner of patriotism, give play to the advantages of the old district, dig resources for moral education, explore new ideas for education, and develop patriotic education in primary and secondary schools throughout the region like tea, and set off at the source of the Weihe River. A strong patriotic upsurge.
婴儿骨皮质增生症是一种少见病。本症由Caffey等在1945年首先报道,又称Caffey病。我院1985年收治双胎二例,同时发病,症状相似,现报道如下。例1 男,60天。因左大腿肿账,于198
因为需要开通免费班车来服务客户,华北城(天津)投资有限公司副总经理宁海川开始了一次谨慎的客车采购行动。 Because of the need to open a free shuttle service to custo