
来源 :物理化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:battichen
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Oil -water interfacial viscosity for aqueous mixture of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide(CTAB ) and partially hydrolyzed polyarcylamide(HPAM) was studied. The results showed that interfacial viscosity dependends on the shearing rate and the hydrolysis degree of HPAM, the interfacial viscosity decreases with surfactant concentration A higher interfacial viscosity favors to enhance the emulsification stability of the aqueous mixture of HPAM and CTAB. Based on the experimental results, an explantion for CTAB-HPAM interaction at oil-water interface has been proposed. Oil-water interfacial viscosity for aqueous mixture of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and partially hydrolyzed polyarcylamide (HPAM) was studied. The results showed that interfacial viscosity dependencies on the shearing rate and the degree of hydrolysis of HPAM, the interfacial viscosity decreases with surfactant concentration A higher interfacial viscosity favors to enhance the emulsification stability of the aqueous mixture of HPAM and CTAB. Based on the experimental results, an explan for CTAB-HPAM interaction at oil-water interface has been proposed.
在我心里,藏匿着一群饱含了依恋的精灵,他们无私地传达着我对你言而不尽的情感,似乎只有在你的世界里我才能够得到彻底释放,你知道,这种放纵对于追求梦想的人们来说是多么的珍贵  我们是幸运的,也许这一生中也很难有第二次,和M全家族摩擦出火花,他们根正苗红,他们历史悠久,他们的基础是性能,他们的必杀是摄人心魄。可以想像,当6位大将同时奔跑在一座山头的时候,从山涧反弹回来的排气轰鸣声足以让人驻足聆听,因为鲜
第一周 我是从加拿大进入美国的。 这是2002年1月5日。 这之前我从多伦多一户新移民家庭的地铺上打点行装,乘灰狗大巴赶往蒙特利尔,这儿有我的加拿大朋友史蒂夫。根据约定,
韶山村,这个因其独特的山水和人文资源而闻名于世。毛远忆,这位生于斯、长于斯的红色家庭子女,从部队退伍返乡后,面对种种诱惑,毅然选择了干武装,他几十年如一日,在 Shaosh
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美国科技情报研究所(ISI)每年都要公布主要科学杂志的影响因子(impactfactor)和引用半生期(citationhalflifetime).《CATTECH》在1998年第2卷第2期将1992至1996年催化领域主要国际学术期刊的数据收集制成表1 The ISI publishes the impact fac
2016年10月25日,重庆忠县一处农家小院里张灯结彩,年逾8旬的夫妻补办了一场简朴而又隆重的婚礼,300多名乡亲父老恭贺他们用甜美爱情创造生命奇迹。  补办婚礼夕阳正红  薄雾笼罩中,满脸沟壑的新娘何光英穿红衣戴红花,轮椅上白发苍苍的新郎古臣坤也换上了崭新的军装,胸前佩戴着4枚闪闪发亮的军功章。给两位老人祝福道喜的十里八乡的乡亲们,挤满了古家小院。  在儿孙们的簇拥下,85岁的古臣坤坐上轮椅由8
Hydrogen diffusion coefficients in MlNi 3.75 Co 0.65 Mn 0.4 Al 0.2 alloy electrode as a function of state of charge (SOC) or temperature were d