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她给我打电话时,我还在沉睡,习惯性按下接听键,才发现号码陌生得让我措手不及。斯德哥尔摩的清晨还下着雨,天光带着铅色的蓝。“啊,是我,你在睡觉吗?”电话里是熟悉的声音,只听一个音节就能猜到的人。“嗯。”我本以为她会在某个南方的城市快速地吃着午餐,桌上的文件暂时散落一旁。这应该是一个连楼道里都能听见她匆匆脚步声的时刻。但是她说她在英吉利海峡的另一段,和我一样正眷恋着睡意,她说莫名的这通电话,其实略显尴尬。 When she called me, I was still asleep, customarily press the answer key, only to find the strange number got me caught by surprise. Stockholm is still raining in the early morning, with blue tinted blue sky. “Ah, it’s me, are you sleeping?” “The phone is a familiar voice and can only be guessed by one syllable. ”Um. " I thought she would eat lunch quickly in some southern city, and the files on the table were temporarily scattered. This should be the moment when one can hear her hurried footsteps in the corridor. But she said she was in the other part of the English Channel, just as nostalgic for drowsiness, and she said that inexplicably talking on the phone was, in fact, slightly awkward.
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制造热塑性塑料摇臂罩的技术自1980年美国开始应用至今已有很大的发展。新的密封方法及铝气缸盖的广泛使用,更有利于发挥热塑性塑料在成本、重量及零件集成性方面的优势, 这
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