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经党中央批准,中央文献研究室编辑的《习近平关于全面依法治国论述摘编》一书近期出版。《摘编》集中摘录了党的十八大以来,习近平总书记围绕全面依法治国发表的一系列重要论述。这些重要论述,立意高远,内涵丰富,思想深刻,体现了对社会主义法治规律的正确认识、深刻揭示和准确把握,为新形势下全面推进依法治国提供了科学指南和根本遵循。该书为全党深入学习习近平总书记全面依法治国重要思想提供了权威教材。一、尊重人类社会发展规律和社会主义建设规律,坚定不移走中国特色社会主义法治道路习近平总书记指出,全面推进依法治国,是国家治理领域一场广泛而深刻的革命,必须坚 With the approval of the Party Central Committee and the editorial of the Central Literature Research Institute, Xi Jinping recently published a summary of the treatise on governing the country according to law. The “Digest” concentrates on a series of important expositions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping around running the country in full accordance with the law since the 18th CPC National Congress. These important expositions are of high lofty ideology, rich connotation and profound thinking. They embody the correct understanding of the law and rule of socialism, profoundly reveal and accurately grasp it, and provide a scientific guide and a fundamental follow-up to the comprehensive promotion of ruling the country by law in the new situation. The book provides authoritative teaching materials for the entire party to study in depth Xi Jinping’s important thought of administering the country according to law in an all-round way. I. Respecting the Law of Human Development and the Law of Socialist Construction and Unswervingly Adhering to the Road of Socialist Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the comprehensive promotion of governing the country according to law is a broad and profound revolution in the field of state administration and must be strengthened
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