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在档案工作恢复、整顿期间,基层单位由于多年来的文件材料未系统清理,积存、散失情况严重,整理归档的工作量很大;档案人员多为新手,业务不熟,同时档案人员兼职过多,没有相对集中的时间进行整理立卷工作。因此,迫切需要档案专业主管机关给予业务上的具体指导,在没有干扰的环境中集中一段时间,把本单位的文件材料整理归档。在这种情况下,许多档案部门采取了“三集中”(即集中文件材料、集中地点、集中时间)的作法。应当说,“三集中”的作法在档案工作恢复整顿时期是起到了一定作用的,是受到基层单位和档案人员欢迎的。但笔者认为,这种作法只是鉴于档案工作由被废弃到走上正常工作秩序的过渡的权宜之计。随着档案工作恢复整顿任务的完成, During the recovery and rectification of archives, the grass-roots units, due to the unsystematic cleaning-up, accumulation and scattering of documents and materials for many years, have a heavy workload in arranging and filing their work. Most archivists are newbies and businesses are unfamiliar with too many part-time filing staffs , There is no relatively concentrated time to organize the work of setting up. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the competent archives authorities to give specific guidance on the business and to concentrate for some time in the environment without interference so that the documents and materials of their own units can be archived and archived. Under such circumstances, many archival departments have adopted the “three centralization” (ie, centralization of documents and materials, concentration of places, concentration of time). It should be said that the practice of “three centralizations” played a certain role in the restoration and consolidation of archives and was welcomed by grassroots units and archivists. However, in my opinion, this practice is only based on the expediency of archival work from being abandoned to the transition to normal working order. As archives work to restore the completion of the task,
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当前,经济发展迎来新常态,创新创业成为新引擎,知识产权制度作为激励创新的基本保障,将在海淀区打造创新创业高地中发挥更加重要作用。  知识产权是创新的源动力,创新驱动发展的核心,是科技成果和知识产权的高水平创造与有效转化运用。知识产权的商用化是知识产权运用的重要形式,其本质是运用市场机制实现激励创新,实现科技成果向现实生产力的顺利转化。据统计,2009-2013年,我国专利密集型产业增加值年均增长1
In many equipment manufacturing industries,firms compete with each other not only on products price,but also on maintenance service.More and more traditional pr
马勇(作者系中国社科院近代史所研究员)  对于当下热议的改革宣示,国内外舆论兴趣盎然,充满期待,但同时也对中国能否冲出“发展困境”略有保留。一个比较重要的顾虑是:既得利益者能够自我牺牲容忍改革吗?现实中国的讨论不是这篇短文能说清楚的,这里只想说说晚清政治改革究竟是怎样启动的,又是哪些至关重要的力量在推动。  晚清中国的全部问题无疑来自西方。在鸦片战争的时候,大清王朝已有将近两百年的历史了,不仅建构