Effects of Nd Doping on Magnetic-Optical Properties of GdFeCo Thin Films

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yjj_2323
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The GdFeCo and NdGdFeCo thin films were prepared by sputtering, and their hysteresis loops, the temperature dependence of the saturation magnetization M_s and the magneto-optical Kerr spectrum in the visible light range were measured. By studying the effects of light rare earth element Nd doping on the magneto-optical Kerr rotation angle of GdFeCo thin films, it is found that proper Nd additives in GdFeCo films could enhance Kerr rotation at short wavelengths. So it could be better medium used as the readout layer of center aperture detection magnetically induced super resolution (CAD-MSR). The GdFeCo and NdGdFeCo thin films were prepared by sputtering, and their hysteresis loops, the temperature dependence of the saturation magnetization M_s and the magneto-optical Kerr spectrum in the visible light range were measured. By studying the effects of light rare earth element Nd doping on the magneto-optical Kerr rotation angle of GdFeCo thin films, it is found that proper Nd additives in GdFeCo films could enhance Kerr rotation at short wavelengths. So it could be better medium used as the readout layer of center aperture detection magnetically induced super resolution (CAD-MSR).
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