LUCC of large opencast mines in loess area during ecologi-cal restoration: a case study of Pingshuo

来源 :Ecological Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangyuan1984
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Taking Pingshuo mine as an example, this paper studies land use, cover change in the process of reclaiming in mine area in the methods of survey in fixed places, indoor analysis, investigation and verification of history data. The results show that as a special land-use form, LUCC is drastic. The change of LUCC in the process that the landform is being restructured is reflected by the change of altitude, slope exposure, slope gradient, slope patterns and specific surface area; the change of LUCC in the process that the soil is being restructured is reflected by the change of soil physical character, chemical character, biological character and erosion character; and the change of LUCC in the process that vegetation is being restructured is reflected by the increase of 91 artificial vegetations and the intrusive growth of 95 wild species. Taking Pingshuo mine as an example, this paper studies land use, cover change in the process of reclaiming in mine area in the methods of survey in fixed places, indoor analysis, investigation and verification of history data. The results show that as a special land -use form, LUCC is drastic. The change of LUCC in the process that the landform is being restructured is reflected by the change of altitude, slope exposure, slope gradient, slope patterns and specific surface area; the change of LUCC in the process that the soil is being restructured is reflected by the change of soil physical character, chemical character, biological character and erosion character; and the change of LUCC in the process that vegetation is being restructured is reflected by the increase of 91 artificial vegetations and the intrusive growth of 95 wild species.
天上紫微垣,地上紫禁城。  伫立紫禁城中凝望,新旧时空仿佛在这里交错, 蓝天、红墙、金瓦……600年前,它风华正茂,开启了中国古代的一场繁荣盛景;600年后,它丹宸永固,记录下中华文明的一段沧桑巨变。  今年是紫禁城建成的第600年,也是故宫博物院成立95周年。正在故宫午门区域西雁翅楼、正楼及东雁翅楼展厅展出的“丹宸永固——紫禁城建成六百年”展,用3个单元、18个关键年份、450件精品文物,将紫禁