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11月11日上午,按照中央统一部署,中央宣讲团党的十九大精神宣讲报告会在宁夏人民会堂举行。中央宣讲团成员、中央农村工作领导小组办公室主任、中央财经领导小组办公室副主任韩俊作宣讲报告。自治区党委书记、人大常委会主任石泰峰主持报告会并讲话。报告会上,韩俊结合自己参与党的十九大文件起草的亲身经历和学习思考的切身体会,从中国特色社会主义进入新时代、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想是党的理论创新的新飞跃、建设社会主义现代化强国的新部署、我国社会主要矛盾的新概括、新时代党的建设的 On the morning of November 11, in accordance with the unified plan of the Central Government, the propaganda and report on the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Central Propaganda Corps was held in the Ningxia People’s Hall. Han Xuan, member of the Central Propaganda Delegation, director of the Central Rural Work Leading Group Office and deputy director of the Central Leading Group for Finance and Leading Group Office, made a presentation. Shi Taifeng, secretary of the party committee of the autonomous region and director of the NPC Standing Committee, presided over the meeting and made a speech. At the symposium, Han Jun entered into a new era with the personal experiences of his participation in the drafting of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and his personal experiences of learning and thinking. From the socialism with Chinese characteristics, he entered a new era. The socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era of Xi Jinping is a new theoretical innovation of the party. A new leap forward in building a powerful, modern socialist nation, a new generalization of the major social contradictions in our country, and the building of the party in the new era
目的:肾病综合征(nephrotie syndrome,NS)是儿科临床上常见的肾脏疾病,发病率仅次于急性肾炎,患儿除肾脏本身病变外,高脂血症等也可导致心血管系统并发症。本文通过对我科收
The reproductive,adaptive heterosis andeconomically-valuable traits of hybrids F_1,F_2and F_3 obtained as a result intraspecific crossingG.hirsutum L.parents w
“墙头草,随风倒。”  草生泽野,盖因水沃土肥。偶生于墙,土坚水乏根不深,且突兀孑立,难免随风而倒,不然就会连根拔起,大抵也算一种适应本能吧。  以物喻人,多指那些心无主见抑或揣着明白装糊涂、见风使舵者。倘为官如此,当属“墙头草式干部”。  最近,某省委书记在主持召开党建工作座谈会时提出,大家可以相互讨论,不同观点都可以相互碰撞,我们也要形成这么一种风气来讨论问题,研究问题。只看领导眼神的“墙头草