
来源 :宁夏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wujian
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目前,我区职业学校在专业设置中存在的主要问题,一是人才预测和可行性分析环节薄弱;二是专业设置重复,地方特色不浓;三是专业不稳定却又无应变能力。就这几个问题,本文试作些粗浅探讨。 一、预测性要与可行性相结合 职业技术教育是一种超前事业,它依存于经济,又服务于经济,二者的发展是相辅相成的。如若脱节,便使教育的发展陷入盲目性。因此,各校在专业设置上务必主动加强区域人才的需求预测工作。这种预测既要考虑当前本地区不同层次人才需求状况,也要充分估计到在今后一个时期内,至少在五年内经济和社会发展对各种人才需要的可能趋势。经过认真地预测、调查、分析,科学地做出论证之后,再有针对性地合理设置或调整专业,这样所设置的专业,才有较强的生命力。 目前我区一些职业学校在办学中之所以步履艰难,甚至走投无路,其中最致命的一点,就是因为没有很好地把握住职业技术教育的这一特性,而是凭自己主观意愿设置专业,盲目性很大。有的虽然也进行了预测,但这种预测却没能充分考虑到因时 At present, the main problems in the professional setting of vocational schools in our district include the weak links in talent forecasting and feasibility analysis; the repetition of professional settings and the lack of local features; and the third, the instability of the profession is unresponsive. On these several issues, this article try to make some superficial discussion. First, the combination of predictability and feasibility Vocational and technical education is an advanced cause, which depends on the economy, but also serve the economy, the development of the two are complementary. If they are out of touch with each other, the development of education will fall into blindness. Therefore, all schools must take the initiative to strengthen the demand forecasting of regional talent in their professional setup. Such forecasts need to consider not only the current needs of talent at different levels in the region, but also the likely trend of various economic and social development needs for various talents in the coming period and at least in five years. After a careful prediction, investigation, analysis and scientific demonstration, we can set up or adjust majors professionally and rationally so that the majors set up can have strong vitality. At present, some vocational schools in our district are having difficulties or even desperation in running schools. One of the deadliest ones is that they did not properly grasp the characteristics of vocational and technical education but set their own professional and blind Great. Although some have also predicted, but this forecast did not give full consideration to the time
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