发挥财政职能作用 全面推进农业综合开发

来源 :中国财政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:paulhujq
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我国20载农业综合开发历程充分证明,农业综合开发已成为政府支持和保护农业的一种有效手段,已成为发展农业、繁荣农村、富裕农民的一项重大措施,已成为提高农业生产能力、促进农业现代化的一个重要途径。本期专题从不同侧面介绍了几个省的做法和经验,并对未来农业综合开发工作进行了展望,以期为各地提供有益借鉴。 The 20-year comprehensive agricultural development in our country fully proves that comprehensive agricultural development has become an effective means of government support and protection of agriculture and has become an important measure for the development of agriculture, the prosperity of rural areas and affluent peasants. It has become an important measure to increase agricultural production capacity and promote Agricultural modernization is an important way. This issue introduces the practices and experiences of several provinces from different aspects and looks forward to the future comprehensive agricultural development with a view to providing useful references for all localities.
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